Изоловани каблови ЦС - ЦС / Т - ЦС / ТВ - ЦС / И - ЦС / ИВ
Изоловани каблови ЦС - ЦС / Т - ЦС / ТВ - ЦС / И - ЦС / ИВ

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Произвођач: Flexelec

Изоловани каблови ЦС - ЦС / Т - ЦС / ТВ - ЦС / И - ЦС / ИВ


CS, CS/T, CS/TW, CS/I and CS/IW heating cables are mainly used in the household electrical and refrigeration industries and for equipment where protection against freezing or temperature maintenance is necessary. To ensure that these heating elements enjoy a long service life, we recommend using a control device.

  • Connections insulated with a silicon moulding.
  • Power cable: standard length: 1 m.
  • CS: silicon elastomer insulated heating cable.
  • CS/T: silicon elastomer insulated heating cable with tinned copper braid and earthing conductor.
  • CS/TW: silicon elastomer insulated heating cable with tinned copper braid for mechanical protection, no earthing conductor.
  • CS/I: silicon elastomer insulated heating cable with stainless steel braid and earthing conductor.
  • CS/IW: silicon elastomer insulated heating cable with stainless steel braid for mechanical protection, no earthing conductor.

Heating wire nickel-copper or nickel-chrome
Insultaion Silicon elastomer
Diameter 2.3 to 3.5 mm 3 mm to 4 mm
Max. power 30 W/m
Voltage Any voltage on requestup to 500 V
Permissible surface temperature from - 70°C to + 200°C
Tolerances Resistance ± 10 %
Diameter + 0.2 /- 0.1 mm
Length: ± 1 %
Connection insulation Sealed silicon moulding

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CS, CS/T, CS/TW, CS/I and CS/IW heating cables are mainly used in the household electrical and refrigeration industries and for equipment where protection against freezing or temperature maintenance is necessary. To ensure that these heating elements enjoy a long service life, we recommend using a control device.

  • Connections insulated with a silicon moulding.
  • Power cable: standard length: 1 m.
  • CS: silicon elastomer insulated heating cable.
  • CS/T: silicon elastomer insulated heating cable with tinned copper braid and earthing conductor.
  • CS/TW: silicon elastomer insulated heating cable with tinned copper braid for mechanical protection, no earthing conductor.
  • CS/I: silicon elastomer insulated heating cable with stainless steel braid and earthing conductor.
  • CS/IW: silicon elastomer insulated heating cable with stainless steel braid for mechanical protection, no earthing conductor.

Heating wire nickel-copper or nickel-chrome
Insultaion Silicon elastomer
Diameter 2.3 to 3.5 mm 3 mm to 4 mm
Max. power 30 W/m
Voltage Any voltage on requestup to 500 V
Permissible surface temperature from - 70°C to + 200°C
Tolerances Resistance ± 10 %
Diameter + 0.2 /- 0.1 mm
Length: ± 1 %
Connection insulation Sealed silicon moulding

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