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The KE-LED 3003-P/A is perfect for illuminating workstations on workbenches, machines or systems. Thanks to the flexible light holder tube, which is available in different lengths, the working light can be optimally aligned. Due to the special prism protection tube, a glare-free light is guaranteed. For easy and flexible mounting, the luminaire is available with a permanent magnet or a table screw clamp and for fixed mounting with a mounting plate.
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The KE-LED 3003-P/A is perfect for illuminating workstations on workbenches, machines or systems. Thanks to the flexible light holder tube, which is available in different lengths, the working light can be optimally aligned. Due to the special prism protection tube, a glare-free light is guaranteed. For easy and flexible mounting, the luminaire is available with a permanent magnet or a table screw clamp and for fixed mounting with a mounting plate.
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