Топлотни лепак
Топлотни лепак

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Произвођач: Kerafol

Топлотни лепак

Thermal adhesive

Two component liquid adhesive with high bond strength and room temperature curing.

Cartouches with 2 components: 50/400 ml
Cans: 0,5/1,0 kg
Hobbocks: max. 34,5 kg per single component
Custom packagings - for request.

Technical data

Material Thermal conductivity Viscosity Dielectrical breakdown Density Hardness
W/mK Pas kV/mm g/cm3 Shore A
KERATHERM Bond 100 RT 1.5 20-40 12 2.1 20-35

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Thermal adhesive

Two component liquid adhesive with high bond strength and room temperature curing.

Cartouches with 2 components: 50/400 ml
Cans: 0,5/1,0 kg
Hobbocks: max. 34,5 kg per single component
Custom packagings - for request.

Technical data

Material Thermal conductivity Viscosity Dielectrical breakdown Density Hardness
W/mK Pas kV/mm g/cm3 Shore A
KERATHERM Bond 100 RT 1.5 20-40 12 2.1 20-35
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