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Произвођач: Honeywell


  • NGCMA20AX01C
Honeywell’s MICRO SWITCH Compact Limit Switches, NGC Series, are a configurable platform of medium-duty switches that allow the customer to choose SPDT (single pole, double throw) or DPDT (double pole, double throw) circuitry while maintaining the same housing and mounting footprint throughout the NGC Series. MICRO SWITCH NGC Series can be configured more than 380,000 ways, carries global approvals, and are sealed to IP67 for potential use in indoor and outdoor applications.

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Honeywell’s MICRO SWITCH Compact Limit Switches, NGC Series, are a configurable platform of medium-duty switches that allow the customer to choose SPDT (single pole, double throw) or DPDT (double pole, double throw) circuitry while maintaining the same housing and mounting footprint throughout the NGC Series. MICRO SWITCH NGC Series can be configured more than 380,000 ways, carries global approvals, and are sealed to IP67 for potential use in indoor and outdoor applications.
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