Кућишта са серијом серије з
Кућишта са серијом серије з
Кућишта са серијом серије з
Кућишта са серијом серије з
Кућишта са серијом серије з

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Произвођач: KRADEX

Кућишта са серијом серије з

Standard series with wall mount enclosures. Solutions that allow the enclosures on the walls and other surfaces using mounting brackets. The use of housings fits perfectly into the range of sensors, access control housings, detectors. The category includes both universal and hermetic housings, made of: PS, ABS, PC in standard colors: light grey, black, and also white.

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Standard series with wall mount enclosures. Solutions that allow the enclosures on the walls and other surfaces using mounting brackets. The use of housings fits perfectly into the range of sensors, access control housings, detectors. The category includes both universal and hermetic housings, made of: PS, ABS, PC in standard colors: light grey, black, and also white.

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