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KEWMATE2012RA Multimeter with 120A AC/DC TRMS clamps is an innovative multimeter with a new generation of open current clamps that enables the measurement of direct and alternating currents up to 120A and with a very high resolution of 0.01A. The clamp sensor in the form of open fixed clamps is connected to the meter with a flexible cable, which allows for extraordinary convenience of measurements in distribution boxes, with densely packed bundles and in other situations. The maximum diameter of the measured cable is 12 mm. The device has typical measurement functions, it also enables frequency measurement during current measurement. Counting on the LCD up to 6039 max (9999 for Hz, 4000 for Cx) allows to obtain high resolution of measurements, while the fast analog bargraph enables to track fast changes of measured values.
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KEWMATE2012RA Multimeter with 120A AC/DC TRMS clamps is an innovative multimeter with a new generation of open current clamps that enables the measurement of direct and alternating currents up to 120A and with a very high resolution of 0.01A. The clamp sensor in the form of open fixed clamps is connected to the meter with a flexible cable, which allows for extraordinary convenience of measurements in distribution boxes, with densely packed bundles and in other situations. The maximum diameter of the measured cable is 12 mm. The device has typical measurement functions, it also enables frequency measurement during current measurement. Counting on the LCD up to 6039 max (9999 for Hz, 4000 for Cx) allows to obtain high resolution of measurements, while the fast analog bargraph enables to track fast changes of measured values.
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