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The multifunction network analyzer with 3 Rogowski coils. It is suitable for use in three-phase three and four-wire systems, even with unbalanced loads and distorted waveforms. It does not require the use of external integrators. It allows you to get all the major measurements, including both power and energy produced and consumed. The connection is simplified with RJ45 connectors. The system is suitable for retrofitting to existing installations and for laboratory use, but also an excellent solution for monitoring electrical networks in new installations.
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The multifunction network analyzer with 3 Rogowski coils. It is suitable for use in three-phase three and four-wire systems, even with unbalanced loads and distorted waveforms. It does not require the use of external integrators. It allows you to get all the major measurements, including both power and energy produced and consumed. The connection is simplified with RJ45 connectors. The system is suitable for retrofitting to existing installations and for laboratory use, but also an excellent solution for monitoring electrical networks in new installations.
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