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Video surveillance systems are becoming one of the primary methods used in overall security protection in the industrial and process industries. In today’s challenging times industrial and process facilities are identified as potential targets. These targets include water treatment facilities, petrochemical plants, oil refineries, oil and gas pipe lines, chemical plants, pharmaceutical plants, power plants and natural gas distributors.
Product code | Description | Downloads |
CPAC | Surge protection for all makes and models of video surveillance systems | MTL CPAC |
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Video surveillance systems are becoming one of the primary methods used in overall security protection in the industrial and process industries. In today’s challenging times industrial and process facilities are identified as potential targets. These targets include water treatment facilities, petrochemical plants, oil refineries, oil and gas pipe lines, chemical plants, pharmaceutical plants, power plants and natural gas distributors.
Product code | Description | Downloads |
CPAC | Surge protection for all makes and models of video surveillance systems | MTL CPAC |
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