NMB Minebea
NMB Minebea

NMB Minebea

NMB Minebea is a Japanese Company, established in 1951 as Nippon Miniature Bearing Co. Ltd. - first specialized producer of miniature ball bearings. Today, the company is headquartered in Tokyo and still specializes in miniature ball bearings, but also develops businesses in...

NMB Minebea is a Japanese Company, established in 1951 as Nippon Miniature Bearing Co. Ltd. - first...


NMB Minebea is a Japanese Company, established in 1951 as Nippon Miniature Bearing Co. Ltd. - first specialized producer of miniature ball bearings. Today, the company is headquartered in Tokyo and still specializes in miniature ball bearings, but also develops businesses in the areas of machined and rotary components, electronic devices and precision parts.

They operate globally and in many different industrial sectors, including, among others, applications in leisure & amusement, living and daily life devices, office and commercial buildings, transportation, factory automation and machining, power plants and renewable energy, automobile, and medical equipment components.

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