К52Д3Х063М4Ц2 Нано 63Х Анализатор мрежног параметара
К52Д3Х063М4Ц2 Нано 63Х Анализатор мрежног параметара

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К52Д3Х063М4Ц2 Нано 63Х Анализатор мрежног параметара

  • Q52D3H063M4C2
  • Мерење TRMS/cos fi/THD
  • Тренутни улаз 1 A, 5 A (z przekładnika)
  • Број фаза 3
  • Интерфејс RS485
  • напајање 230 V AC

Q52D3H is an advanced, compact network analyzer designed for three-phase, three- or four-wire systems with unbalanced loads. The NANO H version, in addition to standard measurements of key electrical network parameters, offers a set of advanced analytical functions, enabling more precise monitoring and improved diagnostics of the system’s operating conditions.

By utilizing miniature triple current transformers (CTs), the Q52D3H analyzer ensures easy installation even in confined spaces, significantly reducing installation costs and wiring time. The device is available in four versions with direct current measurement: 63A, 125A, 160A, and 250A, eliminating the need for external transformers. The compact transformer design is fully compatible with modular circuit breakers, facilitating seamless integration into control cabinets.

The analyzer is equipped as standard with an RS485-Modbus RTU communication interface, allowing integration with SCADA systems and remote network parameter monitoring. Optionally, the device can be fitted with one (or two, if serial communication is not in use) programmable alarm output, which can function as a pulse output for active or reactive energy retransmission and enables connection to analog output modules.

1.002,45 PLN
1.002,45 PLN Бруто цена / ком.
815,00 PLN Нето цена / ком.
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Доступност: Доступан количина ком: 52
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Додај у листу жеља

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  • Мерење TRMS/cos fi/THD
  • Тренутни улаз 1 A, 5 A (z przekładnika)
  • Број фаза 3
  • Интерфејс RS485
  • напајање 230 V AC

Q52D3H is an advanced, compact network analyzer designed for three-phase, three- or four-wire systems with unbalanced loads. The NANO H version, in addition to standard measurements of key electrical network parameters, offers a set of advanced analytical functions, enabling more precise monitoring and improved diagnostics of the system’s operating conditions.

By utilizing miniature triple current transformers (CTs), the Q52D3H analyzer ensures easy installation even in confined spaces, significantly reducing installation costs and wiring time. The device is available in four versions with direct current measurement: 63A, 125A, 160A, and 250A, eliminating the need for external transformers. The compact transformer design is fully compatible with modular circuit breakers, facilitating seamless integration into control cabinets.

The analyzer is equipped as standard with an RS485-Modbus RTU communication interface, allowing integration with SCADA systems and remote network parameter monitoring. Optionally, the device can be fitted with one (or two, if serial communication is not in use) programmable alarm output, which can function as a pulse output for active or reactive energy retransmission and enables connection to analog output modules.

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