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Ceramic carbon resistors can be ordered separately, in matched sets based on resistance values, or pre-assembled for easier installation. Resistor disks can be stacked, marked, and numbered for optimal flatness and parallelism.
It is generally recommended that HVR performs any work related to building the assemblies since we use specialized tools to ensure correct positioning of disk resistors and appropriate mounting force. This is essential not only for mechanical reliability but also in minimizing the risk of electrical activity between consecutive disk resistors and the disk/contact boundary.
Wherever possible, the resistor assembly will be designed using standard components, allowing us to offer the most economically efficient solution.
In some applications, it may be necessary to include other components to meet electrical, thermal, and mechanical design specifications for resistor assemblies.
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морате бити пријављени
Ceramic carbon resistors can be ordered separately, in matched sets based on resistance values, or pre-assembled for easier installation. Resistor disks can be stacked, marked, and numbered for optimal flatness and parallelism.
It is generally recommended that HVR performs any work related to building the assemblies since we use specialized tools to ensure correct positioning of disk resistors and appropriate mounting force. This is essential not only for mechanical reliability but also in minimizing the risk of electrical activity between consecutive disk resistors and the disk/contact boundary.
Wherever possible, the resistor assembly will be designed using standard components, allowing us to offer the most economically efficient solution.
In some applications, it may be necessary to include other components to meet electrical, thermal, and mechanical design specifications for resistor assemblies.
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