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Inductors for hardening crankshaft bearings are inductors one of the more complicated in construction due to the geometry of hardened elements.
Inability to wrap the full angle of the heated pin with a coil, forces the construction of the "C" shaped inductor. In this case, to obtain high heating efficiency and precision of the hardening zone position, very high accuracy of the heating head and the entire inductor housing are required.
To ensure process repeatability and operational reliability, extensive experience in inductor production and excellent process knowledge are required.
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Inductors for hardening crankshaft bearings are inductors one of the more complicated in construction due to the geometry of hardened elements.
Inability to wrap the full angle of the heated pin with a coil, forces the construction of the "C" shaped inductor. In this case, to obtain high heating efficiency and precision of the hardening zone position, very high accuracy of the heating head and the entire inductor housing are required.
To ensure process repeatability and operational reliability, extensive experience in inductor production and excellent process knowledge are required.
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