Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована
Кућишта персонализована

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Кућишта персонализована

Some designs require the use of specially made housings. As a company specializing in the selection and customization of housings, modification of standard types of plastic housings that are injection molded or die-cast is available. Optionally, it is possible to create a housing from scratch according to the guidelines and needs of each order. The possibility of creating an individual form is also available.

Our services include:

  • Milling, drilling, cutting and deepening services depending on individual design assumptions
  • Digital printing, screen printing and CNC engraving
  • Surface coating and shielding
  • Individual selection of colors, materials and flammability classes for specific applications and environments
  • In the case of a significant number of housings, it is possible to create an individual form (also using 3D printing)

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Some designs require the use of specially made housings. As a company specializing in the selection and customization of housings, modification of standard types of plastic housings that are injection molded or die-cast is available. Optionally, it is possible to create a housing from scratch according to the guidelines and needs of each order. The possibility of creating an individual form is also available.

Our services include:

  • Milling, drilling, cutting and deepening services depending on individual design assumptions
  • Digital printing, screen printing and CNC engraving
  • Surface coating and shielding
  • Individual selection of colors, materials and flammability classes for specific applications and environments
  • In the case of a significant number of housings, it is possible to create an individual form (also using 3D printing)
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