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Precise current transducers are dedicated for electronic DC, AC, pulse voltage measurements, operating in the range from 12.5 A to even 24 kA. They are available in versions for a PCB and with a hole for the cable. Excellent linearity throughout the range means that they can be successfully used in laboratory, medical and any other applications where high measurement precision is needed.
IPN = 12.5 A ... 600 A
IPN = 700 A ... 4000 A
IPN = 600 A ... 5000 A
IPN = 5000 A ... 24000 A
i) Linearity measured at DC
j)Bandwidth is measured under small signal conditions - amplitude of 0.5% I PN (DC)
k) All ppm figures refer to VOUT or IOUT@ IPN(DC) except for ITL 900-T where it refers to IOUT = 600 mA
l)Electrical offset current + self magnetization + effect of earth magnetic field @ TA +25 °C
m) Small signal 5% of IPN(DC), 32 ARMS
n) Small signal40A RMS
o) Bandwidth is measured under small signal conditions - amplitude of 1% IPN(DC)
N/A – Not Available
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морате бити пријављени
Precise current transducers are dedicated for electronic DC, AC, pulse voltage measurements, operating in the range from 12.5 A to even 24 kA. They are available in versions for a PCB and with a hole for the cable. Excellent linearity throughout the range means that they can be successfully used in laboratory, medical and any other applications where high measurement precision is needed.
IPN = 12.5 A ... 600 A
IPN = 700 A ... 4000 A
IPN = 600 A ... 5000 A
IPN = 5000 A ... 24000 A
i) Linearity measured at DC
j)Bandwidth is measured under small signal conditions - amplitude of 0.5% I PN (DC)
k) All ppm figures refer to VOUT or IOUT@ IPN(DC) except for ITL 900-T where it refers to IOUT = 600 mA
l)Electrical offset current + self magnetization + effect of earth magnetic field @ TA +25 °C
m) Small signal 5% of IPN(DC), 32 ARMS
n) Small signal40A RMS
o) Bandwidth is measured under small signal conditions - amplitude of 1% IPN(DC)
N/A – Not Available
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