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The PROFI line 123-2 grounding clamp is suitable for all common fields of application such as trucks, trucks and grounding containers. Due to the robust construction of the earthing clamp, it is also suitable for the harshest environmental conditions. The built-in stainless steel tines are hardened and therefore extremely durable.
The grounding clamp is for use with the SYMEGA-VO / SI grounding system only.
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The PROFI line 123-2 grounding clamp is suitable for all common fields of application such as trucks, trucks and grounding containers. Due to the robust construction of the earthing clamp, it is also suitable for the harshest environmental conditions. The built-in stainless steel tines are hardened and therefore extremely durable.
The grounding clamp is for use with the SYMEGA-VO / SI grounding system only.
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