0,00 PLN
Морате бити пријављени да
- Претварач струје са затвореном повратном кругом (Ц / Л)
- Претварач струје са отвореном повратном кругом (О / Л)
- Претварач струје напајан униполарним напоном
- Претварачи у Ета технологији
- Претварачи струје високе тачности серије ЛФ кк10
- Претварачи струје ЛХ серије
- ХОИС и ХОИЛ - намењени за уградњу директно на проводничку шину
- Тренутни претварачи у СМД технологији из серија ГО-СМЕ и ГО-СМС
- АУТОМОТИВНИ претварачи струје
Products that are marked "On Order" in the "Available Quantity" column are usually not in stock. Such products are available for purchase, however, due to their limited customer base, they usually have higher minimum quantities. DACPOL offers products that are not in stock for the following reasons: DACPOL currently has a large number of electronic components in stock and adds new products every day, however, tens of thousands of additional components and their various variants are available from our suppliers. Even though it is unreasonable to have all these products in stock due to the limited sales, we believe that it is in the best interest of our customers to make them available. Our goal is to inform customers about the maximum number of products available and enable them to make decisions based on specifications, prices, availability, required minimums and our technical advice. Please note that selecting the "In Stock" checkbox may limit the display to only products available for delivery straight from the shelf.
Резултати по страни:
Our offer provides different types of LEM current transducers. Our clients know that fo years we’ve been delivering the quality products from reliable suppliers. Parameters of our devices are precisely described, which provides safety of installations. Our company delivers professional consultancy and technical support with solving problems.
In our offer you can find:
- Closed-Loop Current Transducers (C/L),
- Open-Loop Current Transducers (O/L),
- Current Transducers supplied with unipolar voltage,
- 'Eta' Current Transducers,
- Current Transducers - LF xx10 Series,
- Current Transducers - LH Series,
- Current Transducer - HOYL and HOYS Series,
- Current Transducers - GO–SME & GO–SMS Series.
Our products allow for increasing productivity and reliability.
We do our best to provide the best services, that is why we enable online and phone purchase.