Врсте везних елемената у складу са ЦЕ и РоХС.
Врсте везних елемената у складу са ЦЕ и РоХС.

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Произвођач: Igus

Врсте везних елемената у складу са ЦЕ и РоХС.

Data needed during selection:
• Machine reach, for carrier length calculation
• Cables quantity and their external diameters in order to select internal carrier dimensions.
• Cable bending radius, to select carrier radius.
• Total cable weight to select carrier droop.
• Operation temperature

Carrier length calculation
Example order

Type / Width / Radius / Length / Assemble elements type
KDP16 / W010 / R018 / 65 links / UD 1 set

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Додај у листу жеља

Data needed during selection:
• Machine reach, for carrier length calculation
• Cables quantity and their external diameters in order to select internal carrier dimensions.
• Cable bending radius, to select carrier radius.
• Total cable weight to select carrier droop.
• Operation temperature

Carrier length calculation
Example order

Type / Width / Radius / Length / Assemble elements type
KDP16 / W010 / R018 / 65 links / UD 1 set
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