Регулатор нивоа контролера дуалног нивоа
Регулатор нивоа контролера дуалног нивоа

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Произвођач: Deeter Electronics Ltd

Регулатор нивоа контролера дуалног нивоа

The Dual Level Controller provides adjustment of the liquid level in the tank between two points, and / or provides an additional output in the event of overfilling or complete emptying of the tank. The DLC provides safe low voltages for level sensors and is equipped with contactors to control the operation of the pump or valves in gravity fed systems from above. The DLC-1 has 1 relay that can be configured to provide regulation between two levels or to provide a buffer for a single float. The DLC-2 model has an additional independent relay that can be used for any purpose. For example, additional protection of the pump against dry running by means of an additional float sensor. The DLC-3 model is characterized by a higher degree of IP65 than the DLC-2

  • Enables the use of low-current float sensors to control high-load systems.
  • Extends the life of float sensors, pumps and valves by reducing cycle times.
  • Low voltage power supply for potentially wet circuits with float sensors
  • Quick and easy installation.

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The Dual Level Controller provides adjustment of the liquid level in the tank between two points, and / or provides an additional output in the event of overfilling or complete emptying of the tank. The DLC provides safe low voltages for level sensors and is equipped with contactors to control the operation of the pump or valves in gravity fed systems from above. The DLC-1 has 1 relay that can be configured to provide regulation between two levels or to provide a buffer for a single float. The DLC-2 model has an additional independent relay that can be used for any purpose. For example, additional protection of the pump against dry running by means of an additional float sensor. The DLC-3 model is characterized by a higher degree of IP65 than the DLC-2

  • Enables the use of low-current float sensors to control high-load systems.
  • Extends the life of float sensors, pumps and valves by reducing cycle times.
  • Low voltage power supply for potentially wet circuits with float sensors
  • Quick and easy installation.
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