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The Series 40 level sensors are small, horizontally mounted float sensors. They are available for internal and external mounting. They have a self-cleaning hinge mechanism, making them reliable in demanding applications. Changing the operating type from Normally Closed to Normally Open is possible by turning the entire sensor 180 °. In this way, the sensor can be quickly repositioned to detect low or high liquid level. Ideal for use in the food, automotive, pharmaceutical, petroleum and chemical industries.
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морате бити пријављени
The Series 40 level sensors are small, horizontally mounted float sensors. They are available for internal and external mounting. They have a self-cleaning hinge mechanism, making them reliable in demanding applications. Changing the operating type from Normally Closed to Normally Open is possible by turning the entire sensor 180 °. In this way, the sensor can be quickly repositioned to detect low or high liquid level. Ideal for use in the food, automotive, pharmaceutical, petroleum and chemical industries.
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