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The MTLx510 enables four solid-state outputs in the safe area to be controlled by up to four switches or proximity detectors located in a hazardous area. Each pair of output transistors shares a common terminal and can switch +ve or –ve polarity signals. A range of module configurations is available (see Table 1) through the use of selector switches. When proximity detector modes are selected, LFD is enabled and the output switches to OFF if a line fault is detected.Specificationa
See Instruction Manual INM4500 or INM5500 for further mode information. |
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The MTLx510 enables four solid-state outputs in the safe area to be controlled by up to four switches or proximity detectors located in a hazardous area. Each pair of output transistors shares a common terminal and can switch +ve or –ve polarity signals. A range of module configurations is available (see Table 1) through the use of selector switches. When proximity detector modes are selected, LFD is enabled and the output switches to OFF if a line fault is detected.Specificationa
See Instruction Manual INM4500 or INM5500 for further mode information. |
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