Сепаратор погоњен са П37Г тренутне петље
Сепаратор погоњен са П37Г тренутне петље

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Произвођач: LUMEL

Сепаратор погоњен са П37Г тренутне петље

• For the separation of measuring signals (eg in PLC).
• Thin casing - 6.2 mm.
• Standard d.c. current output signal 0/4 - 20 mA..
• Does not require an auxiliary supply voltage.
Example of application

Two-wire signal isolator P17G Example
Galvanic separation (protection of PLC controller inputs).

Input type Range Overload Error
Current 0..20 mA 0 .. 20 mA Maximal input current 40 mA

Conversion error:
+/- 0,2 %

Additional errors:
- from load resistance changes
≤ 0,15 %/ 100 Ω
- from ambient temperature changes:
≤ 0,05 %/ 10°C

4 .. 20 mV
Output type Admissible load resistance Pulsations
Prąd 0 .. 20 mA, (4..20 mA) Robc < 500 Ω ≤10 mV
External features
Overall dimensions 6,2 x 77,5 x 100 mm  
Weight 80g  
Protection grade ensured by the casing: IP50 from terminal side:IP20
Fixing on a 35 mm DIN rail acc. to EN 60715
Rated operating conditions
Temperature ambient:-20...23...65°C storage: -40...85°C
Humidity <95% inadmissible condensation
Operating position any  
Safety and compatibility requirements
Electromagnetic compatibility noise immunity acc. to EN 61000-6-2
noise emissions acc. to EN 61000-6-4
Isolation between circuits basic acc. to EN 61010-1
Pollution level 2
Installation category III
Maximal phase-to-earth operating

Two-wire signal isolator P17G
Fig.1. Way of assembling/disassembling on the rail.
Two-wire signal isolator P17G
Fig.2. Way of wire fixing.
Connection diagram

Two-wire signal isolator P17G

P17G Version:
- standard 00
- as per order* XX
Acceptance tests:
- without extra quality requirements 0
- with an extra quality inspection certificate 1
- acc. to customer’s request** X
The code: P17G-00-0 means:

P17 - passive separator of P17G type
00 - standard version,
0 - without extra quality requirements.

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Додај у листу жеља

морате бити пријављени

• For the separation of measuring signals (eg in PLC).
• Thin casing - 6.2 mm.
• Standard d.c. current output signal 0/4 - 20 mA..
• Does not require an auxiliary supply voltage.
Example of application

Two-wire signal isolator P17G Example
Galvanic separation (protection of PLC controller inputs).

Input type Range Overload Error
Current 0..20 mA 0 .. 20 mA Maximal input current 40 mA

Conversion error:
+/- 0,2 %

Additional errors:
- from load resistance changes
≤ 0,15 %/ 100 Ω
- from ambient temperature changes:
≤ 0,05 %/ 10°C

4 .. 20 mV
Output type Admissible load resistance Pulsations
Prąd 0 .. 20 mA, (4..20 mA) Robc < 500 Ω ≤10 mV
External features
Overall dimensions 6,2 x 77,5 x 100 mm  
Weight 80g  
Protection grade ensured by the casing: IP50 from terminal side:IP20
Fixing on a 35 mm DIN rail acc. to EN 60715
Rated operating conditions
Temperature ambient:-20...23...65°C storage: -40...85°C
Humidity <95% inadmissible condensation
Operating position any  
Safety and compatibility requirements
Electromagnetic compatibility noise immunity acc. to EN 61000-6-2
noise emissions acc. to EN 61000-6-4
Isolation between circuits basic acc. to EN 61010-1
Pollution level 2
Installation category III
Maximal phase-to-earth operating

Two-wire signal isolator P17G
Fig.1. Way of assembling/disassembling on the rail.
Two-wire signal isolator P17G
Fig.2. Way of wire fixing.
Connection diagram

Two-wire signal isolator P17G

P17G Version:
- standard 00
- as per order* XX
Acceptance tests:
- without extra quality requirements 0
- with an extra quality inspection certificate 1
- acc. to customer’s request** X
The code: P17G-00-0 means:

P17 - passive separator of P17G type
00 - standard version,
0 - without extra quality requirements.
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