СИЛИФЛАМ ТХС 1000 + 400 ° Ц до 800 ° Ц - хигх температуре каблови
СИЛИФЛАМ ТХС 1000 + 400 ° Ц до 800 ° Ц - хигх температуре каблови

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СИЛИФЛАМ ТХС 1000 + 400 ° Ц до 800 ° Ц - хигх температуре каблови


  • Continuous operating temperatures: See general presentation sheet (FT 3301).
  • Good resistance to thermal shocks and ageing.
  • Rated voltage: 300/500 V to 600/1000V
  • Test voltage:

THS 1000 series: 1500 V
THS 1030 and 1050 series: 2500V

Standard products

  • See also: Range presentation sheet (FT 3301).
  • Ref. THS 1000 M: THS 1000 type insulation and sheathing.
  • Ref. THS 1030 M: THS 1000 insulation and sheathing with PTFE reinforcement.
  • Ref. THS 1050 M: THS 1000 insulation and sheathing with polyimide reinforcement.
  • Ref. THS 1000 M - BCN: Nickel-plated copper electrical screen.
  • Ref. THS 1000 M - BI: Stainless steel flexible armour

Approvals - standards

  • Nickel-plated copper complying with the 2% class as per standard ASTM B355.


  • See range presentation sheet (FT 3301). The THS 1000 series is recommended for zones subject to high temperature peaks (sporadic flames, etc.) and moderately high continuous operating temperatures.


  • Other nominal cross-sections: contact us. 
  • 27% class nickel-plated copper cores as per ASTM B355: contact us. 
  • Pure nickel core, ref. SILIFLAM THS 1001: contact us. 
  • Other numbers of conductors: contact us. 
  • Other options or cables based on the THS 1000 series, designed on request: contact us.
przewody wysokotemperaturowe, kable wysokotemperaturowe

1 • Nickel-plated copper core as per ASTM B355.
2 • (Optional) 2 heat-sealed PTFE (THS 1030) or polyimide (THS 1050) tapes.
3 • Coated high temperature fibreglass braid.
4 • (Optional) Nickel-plated copper electrical screen braid.
5 • THS 1000 type composite mica and coated mineral fibreglass sheathing.
6 • (Optional) AISI 304 stainless steel outer shielding.

Nominal cross-section (mm2) Nominal stranding Maximum linear resistance at 20 °C (Ω/km) Nominal diameter of the conductor (mm) Approximate diameter of cable (THS 1000 M version) (mm)
2 x 0.5 7 x 0.30 40.1 2.5 6.6
3 x 0.5 7 x 0.30 40.1 2.5 6.9
4 x 0.5 7 x 0.30 40.1 2.5 7.6
5 x 0.5 7 x 0.30 40.1 2.5 8.4
7 x 0.5 7 x 0.30 40.1 2.5 9.1
2 x 0.75 11 x 0.30 26.7 2.7 7.0
3 x 0.75 11 x 0.30 26.7 2.7 7.4
4 x 0.75 11 x 0.30 26.7 2.7 8.2
5 x 0.75 11 x 0.30 26.7 2.7 9.1
7 x 0.75 11 x 0.30 26.7 2.7 10.5
2 x 1 14 x 0.30 20.0 3.2 7.8
3 x 1 14 x 0.30 20.0 3.2 8.8
4 x 1 14 x 0.30 20.0 3.2 9.4
5 x 1 14 x 0.30 20.0 3.2 10.3
7 x 1 14 x 0.30 20.0 3.2 11.5
12 x 1 14 x 0.30 20.0 3.2 15.0
2 x 1.5 21 x 0.30 13.7 3.4 8.1
3 x 1.5 21 x 0.30 13.7 3.4 9.0
4 x 1.5 21 x 0.30 13.7 3.4 10.0
5 x 1.5 21 x 0.30 13.7 3.4 10.8
5 x 1.5 21 x 0.30 13.7 3.4 11.8
12 x 1.5 21 x 0.30 13.7 3.4 15.8
2 x 2.5 35 x 0.30 8.21 4.0 9.6
3 x 2.5 35 x 0.30 8.21 4.0 10.2
4 x 2.5 35 x 0.30 8.21 4.0 11.0
5 x 2.5 35 x 0.30 8.21 4.0 12.4
7 x 2.5 35 x 0.30 8.21 4.0 14.0
12 x 2.5 35 x 0.30 8.21 4.0 18.2
2 x 4 56 x 0.30 5.09 4.5 10.7
3 x 4 56 x 0.30 5.09 4.5 11.4
4 x 4 56 x 0.30 5.09 4.5 12.7
5 x 4 56 x 0.30 5.09 4.5 13.7
7 x 4 56 x 0.30 5.09 4.5 15.2
2 x 6 84 x 0.30 3.39 5.0 11.7
3 x 6 84 x 0.30 3.39 5.0 12.5
4 x 6 84 x 0.30 3.39 5.0 14.0
5 x 6 84 x 0.30 3.39 5.0 15.3
3 x 10 80 x 0.40 1.95 8.0 18.9
4 x 10 80 x 0.40 1.95 8.0 21.3
5 x 10 80 x 0.40 1.95 8.0 23.4
3 x 16 126 x 0.40 1.24 9.0 21.1
4 x 16 126 x 0.40 1.24 9.0 23.4
5 x 16 126 x 0.40 1.24 9.0 26.1
3 x 25 196 x 0.40 0.795 10.6 24.5
4 x 25 196 x 0.40 0.795 10.6 27.3
5 x 25 196 x 0.40 0.795 10.6 30.4
3 x 35 276 x 0.40 0.565 13.0 29.7
4 x 35 276 x 0.40 0.565 13.0 33.0
5 x 35 276 x 0.40 0.565 13.0 36.9
3 x 50 396 x 0.40 0.393 14.4 32.6
4 x 50 396 x 0.40 0.393 14.4 36.4
5 x 50 396 x 0.40 0.393 14.4 40.7

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  • Continuous operating temperatures: See general presentation sheet (FT 3301).
  • Good resistance to thermal shocks and ageing.
  • Rated voltage: 300/500 V to 600/1000V
  • Test voltage:

THS 1000 series: 1500 V
THS 1030 and 1050 series: 2500V

Standard products

  • See also: Range presentation sheet (FT 3301).
  • Ref. THS 1000 M: THS 1000 type insulation and sheathing.
  • Ref. THS 1030 M: THS 1000 insulation and sheathing with PTFE reinforcement.
  • Ref. THS 1050 M: THS 1000 insulation and sheathing with polyimide reinforcement.
  • Ref. THS 1000 M - BCN: Nickel-plated copper electrical screen.
  • Ref. THS 1000 M - BI: Stainless steel flexible armour

Approvals - standards

  • Nickel-plated copper complying with the 2% class as per standard ASTM B355.


  • See range presentation sheet (FT 3301). The THS 1000 series is recommended for zones subject to high temperature peaks (sporadic flames, etc.) and moderately high continuous operating temperatures.


  • Other nominal cross-sections: contact us. 
  • 27% class nickel-plated copper cores as per ASTM B355: contact us. 
  • Pure nickel core, ref. SILIFLAM THS 1001: contact us. 
  • Other numbers of conductors: contact us. 
  • Other options or cables based on the THS 1000 series, designed on request: contact us.
przewody wysokotemperaturowe, kable wysokotemperaturowe

1 • Nickel-plated copper core as per ASTM B355.
2 • (Optional) 2 heat-sealed PTFE (THS 1030) or polyimide (THS 1050) tapes.
3 • Coated high temperature fibreglass braid.
4 • (Optional) Nickel-plated copper electrical screen braid.
5 • THS 1000 type composite mica and coated mineral fibreglass sheathing.
6 • (Optional) AISI 304 stainless steel outer shielding.

Nominal cross-section (mm2) Nominal stranding Maximum linear resistance at 20 °C (Ω/km) Nominal diameter of the conductor (mm) Approximate diameter of cable (THS 1000 M version) (mm)
2 x 0.5 7 x 0.30 40.1 2.5 6.6
3 x 0.5 7 x 0.30 40.1 2.5 6.9
4 x 0.5 7 x 0.30 40.1 2.5 7.6
5 x 0.5 7 x 0.30 40.1 2.5 8.4
7 x 0.5 7 x 0.30 40.1 2.5 9.1
2 x 0.75 11 x 0.30 26.7 2.7 7.0
3 x 0.75 11 x 0.30 26.7 2.7 7.4
4 x 0.75 11 x 0.30 26.7 2.7 8.2
5 x 0.75 11 x 0.30 26.7 2.7 9.1
7 x 0.75 11 x 0.30 26.7 2.7 10.5
2 x 1 14 x 0.30 20.0 3.2 7.8
3 x 1 14 x 0.30 20.0 3.2 8.8
4 x 1 14 x 0.30 20.0 3.2 9.4
5 x 1 14 x 0.30 20.0 3.2 10.3
7 x 1 14 x 0.30 20.0 3.2 11.5
12 x 1 14 x 0.30 20.0 3.2 15.0
2 x 1.5 21 x 0.30 13.7 3.4 8.1
3 x 1.5 21 x 0.30 13.7 3.4 9.0
4 x 1.5 21 x 0.30 13.7 3.4 10.0
5 x 1.5 21 x 0.30 13.7 3.4 10.8
5 x 1.5 21 x 0.30 13.7 3.4 11.8
12 x 1.5 21 x 0.30 13.7 3.4 15.8
2 x 2.5 35 x 0.30 8.21 4.0 9.6
3 x 2.5 35 x 0.30 8.21 4.0 10.2
4 x 2.5 35 x 0.30 8.21 4.0 11.0
5 x 2.5 35 x 0.30 8.21 4.0 12.4
7 x 2.5 35 x 0.30 8.21 4.0 14.0
12 x 2.5 35 x 0.30 8.21 4.0 18.2
2 x 4 56 x 0.30 5.09 4.5 10.7
3 x 4 56 x 0.30 5.09 4.5 11.4
4 x 4 56 x 0.30 5.09 4.5 12.7
5 x 4 56 x 0.30 5.09 4.5 13.7
7 x 4 56 x 0.30 5.09 4.5 15.2
2 x 6 84 x 0.30 3.39 5.0 11.7
3 x 6 84 x 0.30 3.39 5.0 12.5
4 x 6 84 x 0.30 3.39 5.0 14.0
5 x 6 84 x 0.30 3.39 5.0 15.3
3 x 10 80 x 0.40 1.95 8.0 18.9
4 x 10 80 x 0.40 1.95 8.0 21.3
5 x 10 80 x 0.40 1.95 8.0 23.4
3 x 16 126 x 0.40 1.24 9.0 21.1
4 x 16 126 x 0.40 1.24 9.0 23.4
5 x 16 126 x 0.40 1.24 9.0 26.1
3 x 25 196 x 0.40 0.795 10.6 24.5
4 x 25 196 x 0.40 0.795 10.6 27.3
5 x 25 196 x 0.40 0.795 10.6 30.4
3 x 35 276 x 0.40 0.565 13.0 29.7
4 x 35 276 x 0.40 0.565 13.0 33.0
5 x 35 276 x 0.40 0.565 13.0 36.9
3 x 50 396 x 0.40 0.393 14.4 32.6
4 x 50 396 x 0.40 0.393 14.4 36.4
5 x 50 396 x 0.40 0.393 14.4 40.7
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