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TechnoPLUS is a range of advanced pole mount enclosures made from UV-resistant ASA which is specifically designed for outdoor electronics equipment. These designer enclosures can be supplied with a unique pole/mast attachment which is designed for fast and secure mounting with plastic or metal straps. Standard features include a recessed lid for fitting a membrane keypad, face plate or product label, hinged design covers that hide the lid screws and mounting channels, and lid retaining supports for holding the lid in place when the enclosures is open. The enclosures can be mounted without opening the lid which means your electronics remain protected at all times. Screw bosses are provided inside for fitting circuit boards, mounting plates, terminal rails etc. Compatible cable glands and other accessories are also available. We can supply technoPLUS enclosures fully customised to your requirements.
Enclosure sizes: 5 sizes
Dimensions: L x W x H
130 x 90 x 70mm to 270 x 170 x 90mm
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TechnoPLUS is a range of advanced pole mount enclosures made from UV-resistant ASA which is specifically designed for outdoor electronics equipment. These designer enclosures can be supplied with a unique pole/mast attachment which is designed for fast and secure mounting with plastic or metal straps. Standard features include a recessed lid for fitting a membrane keypad, face plate or product label, hinged design covers that hide the lid screws and mounting channels, and lid retaining supports for holding the lid in place when the enclosures is open. The enclosures can be mounted without opening the lid which means your electronics remain protected at all times. Screw bosses are provided inside for fitting circuit boards, mounting plates, terminal rails etc. Compatible cable glands and other accessories are also available. We can supply technoPLUS enclosures fully customised to your requirements.
Enclosure sizes: 5 sizes
Dimensions: L x W x H
130 x 90 x 70mm to 270 x 170 x 90mm
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