Нежни почетни вентил и декомпресијски вентил
  • Нежни почетни вентил и декомпресијски вентил

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Произвођач: AirTAC

Нежни почетни вентил и декомпресијски вентил

GV Series
- Used with FRL, allows for soft start of pneumatic system.
- During the start there is a small air flow. The output air is 50% of input air. After some time the valve opens completely.
- During the closing cycle, the air is removed from the valve immediately.

GZ series
- Used with FRL, allows for soft start of pneumatic system.
- Output terminal can be connected to the noise filter.
- Closing mechanism: during maintenance valve should be blocked in position, which allows for remaining pressure reduction.
- Hand wheel should be removed in order to reduce remaining pressure. 

Series GV GZ
Medium Air
Type Soft start Zawór dekompresyjny
Terminal 1/8"  1/4"  3/8"  1/2"
Control Control with coil Sterowany ręcznie
Temperature  -20 - +70°C
Operation pressure 2.5~9.0bar (0.25~0.9MPa) (5~130psi) 0~9.0bar (0~0.9MPa) (0~130psi)
Max pressure 15.0bar (1.5MPa) (215psi)


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GV Series
- Used with FRL, allows for soft start of pneumatic system.
- During the start there is a small air flow. The output air is 50% of input air. After some time the valve opens completely.
- During the closing cycle, the air is removed from the valve immediately.

GZ series
- Used with FRL, allows for soft start of pneumatic system.
- Output terminal can be connected to the noise filter.
- Closing mechanism: during maintenance valve should be blocked in position, which allows for remaining pressure reduction.
- Hand wheel should be removed in order to reduce remaining pressure. 

Series GV GZ
Medium Air
Type Soft start Zawór dekompresyjny
Terminal 1/8"  1/4"  3/8"  1/2"
Control Control with coil Sterowany ręcznie
Temperature  -20 - +70°C
Operation pressure 2.5~9.0bar (0.25~0.9MPa) (5~130psi) 0~9.0bar (0~0.9MPa) (0~130psi)
Max pressure 15.0bar (1.5MPa) (215psi)

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