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Triple Type TurboBlower with Three Cores and Six Rotors
The WL-t series is the world's first turbo blower with three cores and six rotors, covering up to 1,800 HP in a single turbo blower, with extreme energy efficiency, durability, and user convenience. The WL-t series eliminates the burden of installing multiple outdated blowers and control elements together by using a single WL-t series, making it highly efficient and easy to manage with cost savings.
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Triple Type TurboBlower with Three Cores and Six Rotors
The WL-t series is the world's first turbo blower with three cores and six rotors, covering up to 1,800 HP in a single turbo blower, with extreme energy efficiency, durability, and user convenience. The WL-t series eliminates the burden of installing multiple outdated blowers and control elements together by using a single WL-t series, making it highly efficient and easy to manage with cost savings.
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