Плуг за пуњење - тип 2
Плуг за пуњење - тип 2

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Произвођач: DEGSON

Плуг за пуњење - тип 2

Charging plug - Type 2

Type 2 charging plug for charging electric vehicles in modes 2 and 3. The design of the plug ensures durability of over 10,000 connections.

Technical data
Standard IEC62196
Charging Mode 2, 3
Current Type AC
Connection Manner B
Ambient Temperature
-30°C ~ 50°C
Ambient Temperature
30°C ~ 50°C
Ingress Protection IP54
Insertion [&] Pullout Times > 10000
Housing Material Reinforced Thermoplastic, 
UL 94V- 0
Cap Material TPU
Pin Material Copper Alloy, Ag Plated
Housing Color Black
Cable color Black

Electrical parameters
Rated Current 16A, 32A
Rated Voltage 250V / 480V
Number of power Socket 3(L, N, PE)
5(L1, L2, L3, N, PE)
Signal Pin Number 2(PP, CP)
Signal Pin Current 2A
Insulation Resistance ≥5MΩ 500V DC 1min

Cable configuration
Specification Current Cable Configuration
MEAC-S-016A-V1-YY-X.XM-XXAH 16A - single phase En50620 EV 3x2,5mm2 + 1x0,75mm2
MEAC-S-032A-V1-YY-X.XM-XXAH 32A - single phase En50620 EV 3x6,0mm2 + 1x0,75mm2
MEAC-T-016A-V1-YY-X.XM-XXAH 16A - three phase En50620 EV 5x2,5mm2 + 1x0,75mm2
MEAC-T-032A-V1-YY-X.XM-XXAH 32A - three phase En50620 EV 5x6,0mm2 + 1x0,75mm2

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Charging plug - Type 2

Type 2 charging plug for charging electric vehicles in modes 2 and 3. The design of the plug ensures durability of over 10,000 connections.

Technical data
Standard IEC62196
Charging Mode 2, 3
Current Type AC
Connection Manner B
Ambient Temperature
-30°C ~ 50°C
Ambient Temperature
30°C ~ 50°C
Ingress Protection IP54
Insertion [&] Pullout Times > 10000
Housing Material Reinforced Thermoplastic, 
UL 94V- 0
Cap Material TPU
Pin Material Copper Alloy, Ag Plated
Housing Color Black
Cable color Black

Electrical parameters
Rated Current 16A, 32A
Rated Voltage 250V / 480V
Number of power Socket 3(L, N, PE)
5(L1, L2, L3, N, PE)
Signal Pin Number 2(PP, CP)
Signal Pin Current 2A
Insulation Resistance ≥5MΩ 500V DC 1min

Cable configuration
Specification Current Cable Configuration
MEAC-S-016A-V1-YY-X.XM-XXAH 16A - single phase En50620 EV 3x2,5mm2 + 1x0,75mm2
MEAC-S-032A-V1-YY-X.XM-XXAH 32A - single phase En50620 EV 3x6,0mm2 + 1x0,75mm2
MEAC-T-016A-V1-YY-X.XM-XXAH 16A - three phase En50620 EV 5x2,5mm2 + 1x0,75mm2
MEAC-T-032A-V1-YY-X.XM-XXAH 32A - three phase En50620 EV 5x6,0mm2 + 1x0,75mm2
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