Морате бити пријављени да
- диоде
- Тиристори
Електро изоловани модули
- Електро изоловани модули | ВИСХАИ (ИР)
- Електро изоловани модули | ИНФИНЕОН (ЕУПЕЦ)
- Електро изоловани модули | Семикрон
- Електро изоловани модули | ПОВЕРЕКС
- Електро изоловани модули | ИКСИС
- Електро изоловани модули | ПОСЕИЦО
- Електро изоловани модули | АББ
- Електро изоловани модули | ТЕЦХСЕМ
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- Мостовни исправљачи
- Транзистори | GeneSiC
- SiC MOSFET модули | Mitsubishi
- АББ СиЦ МОСФЕТ модули
- Транзисторски модули | MITSUBISHI
- Транзисторски модули | ABB
- ИГБТ модули | POWEREX
- Silicijum-karbidni poluprovodnički elementi
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- Гате Дриверс
- Блокови напајања
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Električni pretvarači
Тренутни претварачи | ЛЕМ
- Претварач струје са затвореном повратном кругом (Ц / Л)
- Претварач струје са отвореном повратном кругом (О / Л)
- Претварач струје напајан униполарним напоном
- Претварачи у Ета технологији
- Претварачи струје високе тачности серије ЛФ кк10
- Претварачи струје ЛХ серије
- ХОИС и ХОИЛ - намењени за уградњу директно на проводничку шину
- Тренутни претварачи у СМД технологији из серија ГО-СМЕ и ГО-СМС
- АУТОМОТИВНИ претварачи струје
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- Pretvarači napona
- Прецизни претварачи струје | LEM
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Тренутни претварачи | ЛЕМ
Пасивне компоненте (кондензатори, отпорници, осигурачи, филтери)
- Otpornici
- Minijaturni osigurači za elektronske sisteme serije ABC i AGC
- Cilindrični brzi osigurači
- Osigurači sa odloženim delovanjem GL/GG i AM karakteristika
- Ultra-brzi osigurači
- Brzi osigurači sa britanskim i američkim standardom
- Brzi osigurači sa evropskim standardom
- Vučni osigurači
- Visokonaponski osigurači
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- Motorni kondenzatori
- Elektrolitski kondenzatori
- Kondenzatori - snubberi
- Energetski kondenzatori
- Kondenzatori za DC kola
- kondenzatori za kompenzaciju snage
- Visokonaponski kondenzatori
- Kondenzatori za indukciono grejanje
- Impulsni kondenzatori
- ДЦ ЛИНК кондензатори
- Кондензатори за АЦ/ДЦ кола
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- EMI filtri
- Superkondenzatori
- Заштита од пренапона
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Releji i kontaktori
- Теорија релеја и склопника
- Trofazni poluprovodnički releji
- Трофазни полупроводнички релеји наизменичне струје
- Регулатори, команде и додаци
- Sistemi za meki sart i reverziblni kontaktori
- Elektromehanički releji
- Kontaktori
- Rotacioni prekidači
Једнофазни полупроводнички релеји наизменичне струје
- Једнофазни релеји наизменичне струје, 1 серија | Д2425 | Д2450
- Jednofazni poluvodički izmjenični releji CWA i CWD serije
- Jednofazni poluvodički izmjenični releji CMRA i CMRD serije
- Jednofazni poluvodički izmjenični releji - serija PS
- Двоструки и четвороструки полупроводнички релеји наизменичне струје, серије Д24 Д, ТД24 К, Х12Д48 Д.
- Jednofazni poluvodički releji - gn serije
- Jednofazni kružni releji Ckr serije
- Jednofazni AC poluvodički releji za DIN sabirnice - ERDA I ERAA serija
- 150A AC jednofazni releji
- Čvrsti releji s ugrađenim hladnjakom na šini - ENDA, ERDA1 / ERAA1 series
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- Monofazni poluprovodnički releji za štampane ploče
- Интерфејс релеји
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- Indukcione komponenete
- Radijatori, Varistori, Termička zaštita
- Ventilatori
- Klimatizacija, Pribor za industrijska kućišta, Kuleri
Батерије, пуњачи, бафер напајања и претварачи
- Батерије, пуњачи - теоријски опис
- Litijum-jonske baterije. Nestandardne baterije. Sistem za upravljanje baterijom (BMS)
- Baterije
- Punjači i dodaci za baterije
- UPS i puferski izvori napajanja
- Pretvarači i dodaci- fotonaponski
- Складиште енергије
- Гориве ћелије
- Литијум-јонске батерије
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- Futaba Drone Parts
- Крајњи прекидачи, микро прекидачи
- Сензори, претварачи
- Пирометрија
- Бројачи, тајмери, панел мерачи
- Индустријски заштитни уређаји
- Светлосна и звучна сигнализација
- Термовизијска камера
- ЛЕД дисплеји
- Тастери и прекидачи
- Снимач АЛ3000
- КР2000 снимач
- Снимач КР5000
- ХН-ЦХ мерач са функцијом регистрације влажности и температуре
- Потрошни материјал за снимаче
- 71ВР1 снимач
- Снимач КР 3000
- ПЦ снимачи серије Р1М
- ПЦ снимачи серије Р2М
- ПЦ снимач, 12 изолованих улаза - РЗМС-У9
- ПЦ снимач, УСБ, 12 изолованих улаза - РЗУС
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Kablovi, Licnaste žice, Kablovski kanali, Fleksibilne veze
- жице
- лицнастим жице
- Каблови за специјалне намене
- схиртс
- браидс флат
- плетенице коло
- Врло флексибилан плетеница - стан
- Врло флексибилан плетеница - коло
- Бакар плетена цилиндрични
- Бакра плетеница штит и цилиндрични
- Флексибилни уземљење траке
- Плетенице ЦИЛИНДРИЦАЛ поцинковани и нерђајућег челика
- ПВЦ изолацијом бакарне плетенице - Температура 85 ° Ц
- Стан плетени алуминијум
- Цоннецтион Кит - плетенице и цеви
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- Прибор за вучу
- папучица
- Флексибилни исолатед сабирнице
- Вишеслојна флексибилан шина
- системи за управљање кабл
- Водове, цеви
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- Suppliers
- Automatika industrijska
- CNC alatni strojevi
- DC i izmjenični pogoni (pretvarači)
- Energy bank
- Indukciono grejanje
- Industrijski zaštitni uređaji
- Istraživanje i laboratorijska merenja
- Mašine za sušenje i obradu drveta
- Mašine za termoformiranje
- Merenje i regulacija temperature
- Motori i transformatori
- Oprema i dijelovi za opasna područja (EX)
- Oprema za centrale, kontrolne ormare i telekomunikacije
- Poligrafija
- Rudarstvo, metalurgija i livnica
- Tramvajska i železnička vuča
- UPS i ispravljački sistemi
- Апарати за заваривање и апарати за заваривање
- Индустријска аутоматизација
- ХВАЦ аутоматизација
Montaż urządzeń
- Instalacija kabineta
- Дизајн и монтажа ормара
- Инсталација електроенергетских система
- Саставни део
- Машине направљене по наруџбини
- Р&Д истраживачко-развојни рад
Industrijski testeri
- Ispitivači poluprovodnika snage
- Ispitivači električnih uređaja
- Ispitivači odvodnika i prenaponskih odvodnika
- Tester za ispitivanje automobilskih osigurača
- Qrr tester za mjerenje prolaznog naboja u tiristorima i snaga diodama
- Ispitivač sklopa serije FD
- Ispitajte ispitivanje uređaja za rezidualnu struju
- Ispitivač kalibracije releja
- Ispitivač vizija klipnih šipki za plinske opruge
- Priključak za tiristor visokog napona
- Тестер за ломљење мреже
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Modernizacja induktorów
- Поправка коришћених пригушница
- Модернизација пригушница
Производња нових пригушница
- Каљење радилица
- Стврдњавање зуба трачне тестере
- Загревање елемената пре лепљења
- Учвршћивање тркаћих стаза лежајева главчине точкова аутомобила
- Стврдњавање компонената погонског мењача
- Каљење степенастих вратила
- Грејање у контракционим зглобовима
- Стврдњавање скенирањем
- Меко лемљење
- Грејачи гредица
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Индукциони уређаји
Urządzenia indukcyjne
Генератори за индукционо грејање
Ambrell индукциони генератори грејања
- Генератори: cнага од 500 В, фреквенција 150-400 кХз
- Генератори: Снага 1,2 - 2,4 кВ, фреквенција 150 - 400 кХз
- Генератори: cнага 4,2 - 10 кВ, фреквенција 150 - 400 кХз
- Генератори: cнага 10 - 15 кВ, фреквенција 50 - 150 кХз
- Генератори: cнага 30-45 кВ, фреквенција 50-150 кХз
- Генератори: cнага 65-135 кВ, фреквенција 50-150 кХз
- Генератори: cнага 180-270 кВ, фреквенција 50-150 кХз
- Генератори: cнага 20-35-50 кВ, фреквенција 15-45 кХз
- Генератори: cнага 75-150 кВ, фреквенција 15-45 кХз
- Генератори: cнага 200-500 кВ, фреквенција 15-45 кХз
- Генератори: cнага 20-50 кВ, фреквенција 5-15 кХз
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- Denki Kogyo индукциони генератори грејања
ЈКZ индукциони генератори грејања
- Генератори серије ЦКС, фреквенција: 50-120кХз, снага: 5-25кВ
- Генератори СВС серије, фреквенција: 15-30кХз, снага: 25-260кВ
- Генератори (пећи) за обликовање и ковање МФС серије, фреквенција: 0,5-10кХз, снага: 80-500кВ
- МФС пећи за топљење, фреквенција: 0,5-10кХз, снага: 70-200кВ
- Генератори UHT серије, фреквенција: 200-400кХз, снага: 10-160кВ
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- Генератори лампи за индукционо грејање
- Индукциони генератори грејања Himmelwerk
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Ambrell индукциони генератори грејања
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Генератори за индукционо грејање
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- Popravci uređaja za energetsku elektroniku, elektronike i industrijske automatizacije
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Zagrijavanje zavarenih cijevi
Tube and Pipe Coating Curing
Ambrell induction heating solutions are fast, efficient choices for all stages of the curing operation.
In preparation for coating, induction heating is used to remove surface moisture from pipes, preheating the pipe to the correct temperature for coating. Then – depending on the type of polymeric coating applied – the tube or pipe is heated to 150-300 °C (302-572°F) for curing the coating.
In addition to requiring less floor space than traditional furnaces and ovens, induction systems offer ergonomic benefits, are environmentally friendly, and have the unique capacity to selectively heat only portions of a tubular product.
Beyond these operational benefits, induction heating also delivers a higher quality coating solution. Unlike furnaces that rely on heating the coating first, induction heats the metal substrate beneath the coating – curing the coating from the inside out – leaving the surface soft and allowing solvents to evaporate and any outgassing to occur. Removing coatings to recover tubes and pipes for re-coating is another common use for induction heating. Typically, the pipe is heated to about 200 °C (392 °F), which breaks the bond between the surface and coating, allowing the coating to be peeled off. Using this method is more environmentally friendly than alternative methods of burning off or grinding off the coating.
Pre- and Post-Weld Heating
With the use of more thin-wall steel alloy pipes in today’s oil and gas pipelines, manufacturers and installers are turning to the fast, accurate and uniform heating of Ambrell induction heating systems. During the process of butt welding, induction heating is commonly used to preheat the joint area to 150-200 °C (302-392 °F) to prepare the area for a consistent quality weld. After welding, the joint area is heated to 600-650 °C (1112-1202 °F) for thermal stress relief of the weld area. Traditional gas flame and resistance heating systems are often impractical when these higher temperatures are required. Not only are they too slow to meet the cycle times demanded by the industry, but also the heating can be inaccurate and can lack uniformity around the full circumference and bandwidth of the weld joints.
Other benefits of induction heating include:
- Variable control over temperature/time parameters
- Minimal damage to factory coating, and no deleterious surface residues
- No open flames or exposed heating elements
- Reduces energy costs, and eliminates the need for large gas storage area
Hot Pipe Bending
Induction heating is the preferred heating method for bending of larger thicker walled pipes. This is due to the focused narrow band heating offered by the induction process with the resulting higher quality bends with lower quality and wall thinning than other bending methods. Because of this quality and accuracy, induction hot pipe bending is the preferred alternative to traditional fit-and-weld procedures, and can help companies meet the rigorous safety demands of the chemical and energy industries. Ambrell induction heating systems are available in the frequency and power levels to optimally heat any pipe for hot bending. Typically, induction hot bending is used on pipes with diameters from 2” (50mm) to 36” (915 mm), with wall thicknesses from Schedule 5 up to 2.5” (64mm).
Hot pipe bending with induction involves placing an induction heating coil around the pipe at the bend point, and heating a 1” (25mm) section of the pipe to 1000 °C (1832 °F). With the pipe at temperature, pressure is applied by a bending arm to bend it into the desired shape. Air and water quenches are used before and after the heat zone to promote bending solely at the hot zone.
Induction heating is the preferred heating method for bending larger thick-walled pipes used in the chemical and power generating industries.
Drill Pipe Heat Treatment
Drill Pipe Manufacturing
Ambrell supplies induction heating systems to companies that manufacture oil and mineral drill pipe to meet the requirements of API 5DP and GOST R 50278. Induction heating offers many benefits over flame or resistance heating during the manufacturing processes in drill pipe heat treating and welding of the tool posts onto the pipe ends, including:
- Consistency: Heat is generated within the part for precise, rapid, even heating
- Quality: Temperature variations that are seen in flame heating are eliminated
- Productivity: Faster heating enables single-part processing
- Safe: No exposed flame for a safer working environment
- Economical: Heat is applied only where it is needed
Upsetting or Forging Process for Wall Thickening
Drill pipe ends are thickened by heating the pipe end to 1100 °C (2012 °F) before forging. Induction is often used to heat multiple pipes in a single channel coil, or sequentially in a multi-position coil that produces one pipe-end every 150 seconds. These heating methods provide the time required for the heat to travel through the pipe wall, yet meet the 180 seconds floor-to-floor cycle time.
Ambrell induction heating systems allow the depth and rate of the heating to be precisely controlled, delivering the ideal temperature and timing for each step in the process, while meeting the 180 seconds floor to floor time cycle.
Tool Post Post Welding Heat Treating
After friction or arc welding of the tool post to the pipe end, the weld and surrounding pipe is brittle and requires a three-step heat treating process to toughen the joint area:
- Stress Relief: A 100mm (3.9”) wide band is heated to 700 °C (1292 °F) to stress relieve the weld area.
- Austenitization: A 25mm (1”) wide band is heated to 900 °C (1652 °F) for austenetising. The temperature through the pipe wall must be consistent prior to quenching.
- Through-Tempering:A 50mm (2”) band around the weld joint is heated to 675 °C (1247 °F) for through-tempering to produce the correct drill pipe toughness.
Heat Treating Ends of Thin Walled Mineral Drill Pipe
Both the internal and external threaded ends of mineral drill pipes are heat treated and surface hardened to provide a tough tube-end and to minimize wear during the repeated connecting and disconnecting during the drilling process.
Outside and inside temperatures during the annealing process on a 100mm band around the Tool box weld on a 126mm diameter pipe.
Austenitising 126mm Diameter Pipe
Through curie heating with inside and outside pipe 900 °C temperatures consistent before quenching.
Brazing Diamond or Carbide Inserts onto Oil and Gas Well Drill Bits
Oil and Gas Well Drill Bits
In drill bit manufacturing operations, multiple tool inserts (typically between 40 and 60) are individually brazed onto a single drill bit. These inserts may be a polycrystaline diamond compact (PDC) or tungsten carbide inserts (TCI)
Induction heating is an excellent technique for pre-heating the drill bit to 600 °C (1100 °F) in preparation for the torch brazing of the diamond inserts.
Drill bits come in a range of different sizes ranging from 8-20” (203-508mm) diameter. It takes 10-30 minutes for the heat to fully soak through the drill bit, which prepares the insert area for the brazing process. The torch is then used to raise the temperature of each individual joint to 790 °C (1454 °F) to flow the braze.
The PDC or TCI inserts are the cutting portion of the drilling tool, so they will wear out with use. Induction heating is used in the reclaiming process to heat up the drill bit, which allows the inserts to be removed for rebuilding the drill bit. (The inserts image is courtesy of U.S. Synthetics, Orem, UT.)
The insert’s brazing silver and copper “eutectic alloy” has a melting temperature of 790 °C (1454 °F), well below the melting temperature of silver or copper. This lower melt temperature prevents overheating of the diamond bit during brazing, yet still results in a strong joint to the drill bit.
Ambrell Induction Heating Systems at a Glance
Ambrell offers a wide power and frequency range with its EASYHEAT and EKOHEAT systems. So, whether your tube or pipe application is large or small, Ambrell can help you maximize cost efficiencies and productivity.
Ambrell’s systems are versatile with multiple capacitor and tap transformer configurations. They offer efficient power conversion, which minimizes energy expenses. They are also user-friendly, offer agile frequency tuning for repeatable heating, and can be easily integrated into your process thanks to their small footprint.
Systems include:
- Ease of integration into production processes with a portable workhead – up to 30m in some systems
- Wider frequency ranges allow more tubes and pipes of varying specifications to be heated with the same power supply
- Multiple capacitor and tap transformer configurations for a more versatile system than the competi-tion
- Agile frequency tuning for accurate, repeatable heating
- Efficient power conversion minimizes energy expenses
- Expert coil designs that maximize power delivery and save production time
- User-friendly operator interface in five languages (EN, ES, FR, DE, IT)
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морате бити пријављени
Tube and Pipe Coating Curing
Ambrell induction heating solutions are fast, efficient choices for all stages of the curing operation.
In preparation for coating, induction heating is used to remove surface moisture from pipes, preheating the pipe to the correct temperature for coating. Then – depending on the type of polymeric coating applied – the tube or pipe is heated to 150-300 °C (302-572°F) for curing the coating.
In addition to requiring less floor space than traditional furnaces and ovens, induction systems offer ergonomic benefits, are environmentally friendly, and have the unique capacity to selectively heat only portions of a tubular product.
Beyond these operational benefits, induction heating also delivers a higher quality coating solution. Unlike furnaces that rely on heating the coating first, induction heats the metal substrate beneath the coating – curing the coating from the inside out – leaving the surface soft and allowing solvents to evaporate and any outgassing to occur. Removing coatings to recover tubes and pipes for re-coating is another common use for induction heating. Typically, the pipe is heated to about 200 °C (392 °F), which breaks the bond between the surface and coating, allowing the coating to be peeled off. Using this method is more environmentally friendly than alternative methods of burning off or grinding off the coating.
Pre- and Post-Weld Heating
With the use of more thin-wall steel alloy pipes in today’s oil and gas pipelines, manufacturers and installers are turning to the fast, accurate and uniform heating of Ambrell induction heating systems. During the process of butt welding, induction heating is commonly used to preheat the joint area to 150-200 °C (302-392 °F) to prepare the area for a consistent quality weld. After welding, the joint area is heated to 600-650 °C (1112-1202 °F) for thermal stress relief of the weld area. Traditional gas flame and resistance heating systems are often impractical when these higher temperatures are required. Not only are they too slow to meet the cycle times demanded by the industry, but also the heating can be inaccurate and can lack uniformity around the full circumference and bandwidth of the weld joints.
Other benefits of induction heating include:
- Variable control over temperature/time parameters
- Minimal damage to factory coating, and no deleterious surface residues
- No open flames or exposed heating elements
- Reduces energy costs, and eliminates the need for large gas storage area
Hot Pipe Bending
Induction heating is the preferred heating method for bending of larger thicker walled pipes. This is due to the focused narrow band heating offered by the induction process with the resulting higher quality bends with lower quality and wall thinning than other bending methods. Because of this quality and accuracy, induction hot pipe bending is the preferred alternative to traditional fit-and-weld procedures, and can help companies meet the rigorous safety demands of the chemical and energy industries. Ambrell induction heating systems are available in the frequency and power levels to optimally heat any pipe for hot bending. Typically, induction hot bending is used on pipes with diameters from 2” (50mm) to 36” (915 mm), with wall thicknesses from Schedule 5 up to 2.5” (64mm).
Hot pipe bending with induction involves placing an induction heating coil around the pipe at the bend point, and heating a 1” (25mm) section of the pipe to 1000 °C (1832 °F). With the pipe at temperature, pressure is applied by a bending arm to bend it into the desired shape. Air and water quenches are used before and after the heat zone to promote bending solely at the hot zone.
Induction heating is the preferred heating method for bending larger thick-walled pipes used in the chemical and power generating industries.
Drill Pipe Heat Treatment
Drill Pipe Manufacturing
Ambrell supplies induction heating systems to companies that manufacture oil and mineral drill pipe to meet the requirements of API 5DP and GOST R 50278. Induction heating offers many benefits over flame or resistance heating during the manufacturing processes in drill pipe heat treating and welding of the tool posts onto the pipe ends, including:
- Consistency: Heat is generated within the part for precise, rapid, even heating
- Quality: Temperature variations that are seen in flame heating are eliminated
- Productivity: Faster heating enables single-part processing
- Safe: No exposed flame for a safer working environment
- Economical: Heat is applied only where it is needed
Upsetting or Forging Process for Wall Thickening
Drill pipe ends are thickened by heating the pipe end to 1100 °C (2012 °F) before forging. Induction is often used to heat multiple pipes in a single channel coil, or sequentially in a multi-position coil that produces one pipe-end every 150 seconds. These heating methods provide the time required for the heat to travel through the pipe wall, yet meet the 180 seconds floor-to-floor cycle time.
Ambrell induction heating systems allow the depth and rate of the heating to be precisely controlled, delivering the ideal temperature and timing for each step in the process, while meeting the 180 seconds floor to floor time cycle.
Tool Post Post Welding Heat Treating
After friction or arc welding of the tool post to the pipe end, the weld and surrounding pipe is brittle and requires a three-step heat treating process to toughen the joint area:
- Stress Relief: A 100mm (3.9”) wide band is heated to 700 °C (1292 °F) to stress relieve the weld area.
- Austenitization: A 25mm (1”) wide band is heated to 900 °C (1652 °F) for austenetising. The temperature through the pipe wall must be consistent prior to quenching.
- Through-Tempering:A 50mm (2”) band around the weld joint is heated to 675 °C (1247 °F) for through-tempering to produce the correct drill pipe toughness.
Heat Treating Ends of Thin Walled Mineral Drill Pipe
Both the internal and external threaded ends of mineral drill pipes are heat treated and surface hardened to provide a tough tube-end and to minimize wear during the repeated connecting and disconnecting during the drilling process.
Outside and inside temperatures during the annealing process on a 100mm band around the Tool box weld on a 126mm diameter pipe.
Austenitising 126mm Diameter Pipe
Through curie heating with inside and outside pipe 900 °C temperatures consistent before quenching.
Brazing Diamond or Carbide Inserts onto Oil and Gas Well Drill Bits
Oil and Gas Well Drill Bits
In drill bit manufacturing operations, multiple tool inserts (typically between 40 and 60) are individually brazed onto a single drill bit. These inserts may be a polycrystaline diamond compact (PDC) or tungsten carbide inserts (TCI)
Induction heating is an excellent technique for pre-heating the drill bit to 600 °C (1100 °F) in preparation for the torch brazing of the diamond inserts.
Drill bits come in a range of different sizes ranging from 8-20” (203-508mm) diameter. It takes 10-30 minutes for the heat to fully soak through the drill bit, which prepares the insert area for the brazing process. The torch is then used to raise the temperature of each individual joint to 790 °C (1454 °F) to flow the braze.
The PDC or TCI inserts are the cutting portion of the drilling tool, so they will wear out with use. Induction heating is used in the reclaiming process to heat up the drill bit, which allows the inserts to be removed for rebuilding the drill bit. (The inserts image is courtesy of U.S. Synthetics, Orem, UT.)
The insert’s brazing silver and copper “eutectic alloy” has a melting temperature of 790 °C (1454 °F), well below the melting temperature of silver or copper. This lower melt temperature prevents overheating of the diamond bit during brazing, yet still results in a strong joint to the drill bit.
Ambrell Induction Heating Systems at a Glance
Ambrell offers a wide power and frequency range with its EASYHEAT and EKOHEAT systems. So, whether your tube or pipe application is large or small, Ambrell can help you maximize cost efficiencies and productivity.
Ambrell’s systems are versatile with multiple capacitor and tap transformer configurations. They offer efficient power conversion, which minimizes energy expenses. They are also user-friendly, offer agile frequency tuning for repeatable heating, and can be easily integrated into your process thanks to their small footprint.
Systems include:
- Ease of integration into production processes with a portable workhead – up to 30m in some systems
- Wider frequency ranges allow more tubes and pipes of varying specifications to be heated with the same power supply
- Multiple capacitor and tap transformer configurations for a more versatile system than the competi-tion
- Agile frequency tuning for accurate, repeatable heating
- Efficient power conversion minimizes energy expenses
- Expert coil designs that maximize power delivery and save production time
- User-friendly operator interface in five languages (EN, ES, FR, DE, IT)
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