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The bonded seal provides a good security solution in the industrial sector and solves many static sealing problems. They are particularly used as static seals for screw connections and flange seals.
The bonded seal provides a comprehensive security solution for problems of resistance to pressure and vibration under extreme temperature conditions. The laterally outward pressure causes the contact of the lips on the sealing surfaces. A complete seal is achieved both during stationary operation and at pressures of about 700 bar.
The standard BS rings are available in the following combination:
Further special types of bonded seals or according to customers drawings are available on request.
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The bonded seal provides a good security solution in the industrial sector and solves many static sealing problems. They are particularly used as static seals for screw connections and flange seals.
The bonded seal provides a comprehensive security solution for problems of resistance to pressure and vibration under extreme temperature conditions. The laterally outward pressure causes the contact of the lips on the sealing surfaces. A complete seal is achieved both during stationary operation and at pressures of about 700 bar.
The standard BS rings are available in the following combination:
Further special types of bonded seals or according to customers drawings are available on request.
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