Двострука компонентна смола У4720 + Д72, полимеризација на собној температури
Двострука компонентна смола У4720 + Д72, полимеризација на собној температури

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Произвођач: SEG

Двострука компонентна смола У4720 + Д72, полимеризација на собној температури

Half hard system is used for electronic flooding.
- transformers,
- PCB,
- Electronic components flooding.

It is excellent resin with very good physical and electrical preferences. It is self - extinguished, and its compatible with insulation system class B.

Storage conditions:
We recommend:
- Storage away from light source, heat or cold, in the closed original container.
- storage time: 6 months in temperature
  10°C - 25°C.
For hardener: 12 months in temperature 5°C - 30°C,
- usage:open in ambient temperature

Hygiene and protection:
- Resin components don't corrode.
- it is prohibited to touch with skin, or inhale
- it is recommended to use gloves, glasses and mask.

- in containers 1, 5 i 20 kg and barrels 220 kg,
- part B is delivered in corresponding proportion to part A.

Preliminary polymer part A Hardener part B
viscosity @ 30°C NSEG0013 25000 ± 6000 mPas viscosity @ 30°C NSEG0013 70 ± 20 mPas
Volume weight ISO 2811 1,61 g/ml Volume weight ISO 2811  
Colour   black Colour   brown
Mixture weight ratio   100/19 ± 1
Mixture volume ratio   79/21
Insert content   55 %
viscosity @ 23°C NSEG0013 6500 ± 1500 mPas
Volume weight ISO 2811 1,50 g/ml
lifetime NSEG0005 - min
Gelation time @ 23°C 150g NSEG0008 240 min
Gelation time @ 78°C NSEG0012 14 ± 0,4 min
Exothermic temperature 50g NSEG0007 27 °C
Exothermic temperature 100g NSEG0007 28 °C
Exothermic temperature 150g NSEG0007 29 °C
W20°C NSEG0010 7h30min
W20°C NSEG0010 1h45min
Mechanical properties
Line shrinkage ISO3521  
Break off resistance ISO R 527 33,6 daN/cm2
Lengthening during break off ISO R 527 21,7%
Shore hardness A/D @ 23°CC ISO 868 80 A
Electrical properties
Dielectric withstand CEI 243 17kV/mm
Dielectric constant @ 23°C CEI 250 7 (50Hz)
Tgd przy 23°C CEI 250 8,53 x 10-3 (50Hz)
Thermal properties
Constant operation temperature   -50+125°C
Thermal conductance   W/m.°C
Glassy transformation   °C
Self - extinguished SEG V0 4mm

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Half hard system is used for electronic flooding.
- transformers,
- PCB,
- Electronic components flooding.

It is excellent resin with very good physical and electrical preferences. It is self - extinguished, and its compatible with insulation system class B.

Storage conditions:
We recommend:
- Storage away from light source, heat or cold, in the closed original container.
- storage time: 6 months in temperature
  10°C - 25°C.
For hardener: 12 months in temperature 5°C - 30°C,
- usage:open in ambient temperature

Hygiene and protection:
- Resin components don't corrode.
- it is prohibited to touch with skin, or inhale
- it is recommended to use gloves, glasses and mask.

- in containers 1, 5 i 20 kg and barrels 220 kg,
- part B is delivered in corresponding proportion to part A.

Preliminary polymer part A Hardener part B
viscosity @ 30°C NSEG0013 25000 ± 6000 mPas viscosity @ 30°C NSEG0013 70 ± 20 mPas
Volume weight ISO 2811 1,61 g/ml Volume weight ISO 2811  
Colour   black Colour   brown
Mixture weight ratio   100/19 ± 1
Mixture volume ratio   79/21
Insert content   55 %
viscosity @ 23°C NSEG0013 6500 ± 1500 mPas
Volume weight ISO 2811 1,50 g/ml
lifetime NSEG0005 - min
Gelation time @ 23°C 150g NSEG0008 240 min
Gelation time @ 78°C NSEG0012 14 ± 0,4 min
Exothermic temperature 50g NSEG0007 27 °C
Exothermic temperature 100g NSEG0007 28 °C
Exothermic temperature 150g NSEG0007 29 °C
W20°C NSEG0010 7h30min
W20°C NSEG0010 1h45min
Mechanical properties
Line shrinkage ISO3521  
Break off resistance ISO R 527 33,6 daN/cm2
Lengthening during break off ISO R 527 21,7%
Shore hardness A/D @ 23°CC ISO 868 80 A
Electrical properties
Dielectric withstand CEI 243 17kV/mm
Dielectric constant @ 23°C CEI 250 7 (50Hz)
Tgd przy 23°C CEI 250 8,53 x 10-3 (50Hz)
Thermal properties
Constant operation temperature   -50+125°C
Thermal conductance   W/m.°C
Glassy transformation   °C
Self - extinguished SEG V0 4mm
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