Аксесуари для кондиціонерів, теплообмінників та охолоджувачів Seifert
  • Аксесуари для кондиціонерів, теплообмінників та охолоджувачів Seifert
  • Аксесуари для кондиціонерів, теплообмінників та охолоджувачів Seifert
  • Аксесуари для кондиціонерів, теплообмінників та охолоджувачів Seifert
  • Аксесуари для кондиціонерів, теплообмінників та охолоджувачів Seifert

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Виробник: SEIFERT mtm SYSTEM

Аксесуари для кондиціонерів, теплообмінників та охолоджувачів Seifert

Accessories for enclosure air conditioners

Specially designed accessories for our enclosure cooling units allow these units to be used universally. By adding a stainless steel 304 (V2A) NEMA 4X cover to your existing or new SlimLine cooling unit, will make this unit pass the strict NEMA 4X rating. The cooling unit is now suitable for operating in the food processing industry and in outdoor applications where requirements like hose water and ingress protection are necessary. ​

You also find on this page filter media, an external condensate evaporator, temperature controller and condensation kits for Peltier cooling units.

Filter Media CL Fibre filter media for ComPact Line cooling units
Aluminium Filter CL Aluminium filter for ComPact Line cooling units
Filter Holder CL Stainless steel filter holder for ComPact Line cooling units
Aluminium Filter Aluminium filter for SlimLine Pro cooling units
Cold Air Outlet Duct Cold air outlet duct for SlimLine Pro cooling units
External Transformer External transformer for small SlimLine Pro cooling units
Anti Vibration Kit Anti vibration kits for SlimLine Pro cooling units
NEMA 4X Covers Stainless steel hoods for SlimLine cooling units
Temperature Controller Bi-metal controller for heating / cooling of Peltier units
Condensate Kits Condensate kits for Peltier cooling units
Condensate Evaporator External condensate evaporator for cooling units
Door Contact Switch Door contact switch

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Accessories for enclosure air conditioners

Specially designed accessories for our enclosure cooling units allow these units to be used universally. By adding a stainless steel 304 (V2A) NEMA 4X cover to your existing or new SlimLine cooling unit, will make this unit pass the strict NEMA 4X rating. The cooling unit is now suitable for operating in the food processing industry and in outdoor applications where requirements like hose water and ingress protection are necessary. ​

You also find on this page filter media, an external condensate evaporator, temperature controller and condensation kits for Peltier cooling units.

Filter Media CL Fibre filter media for ComPact Line cooling units
Aluminium Filter CL Aluminium filter for ComPact Line cooling units
Filter Holder CL Stainless steel filter holder for ComPact Line cooling units
Aluminium Filter Aluminium filter for SlimLine Pro cooling units
Cold Air Outlet Duct Cold air outlet duct for SlimLine Pro cooling units
External Transformer External transformer for small SlimLine Pro cooling units
Anti Vibration Kit Anti vibration kits for SlimLine Pro cooling units
NEMA 4X Covers Stainless steel hoods for SlimLine cooling units
Temperature Controller Bi-metal controller for heating / cooling of Peltier units
Condensate Kits Condensate kits for Peltier cooling units
Condensate Evaporator External condensate evaporator for cooling units
Door Contact Switch Door contact switch
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