Фільтраційні волокна SP-43250001-O-1 4325/30/40
  • Фільтраційні волокна SP-43250001-O-1 4325/30/40

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Виробник: SEIFERT mtm SYSTEM

Фільтраційні волокна SP-43250001-O-1 4325/30/40

  • SP-43250001-O-1
high filter classification G3 for filtration of particles smaller than 10 μm
IP 54 protection against dust and water droplets
IP 55 protection against dust and protection against water jets from any angle
Brand Name SoliTherm
Order Number SP-43250001-O-1
Colour white
Included 3 pcs. / box
Note For ComPact Line KG 4325 / 30 / 40

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high filter classification G3 for filtration of particles smaller than 10 μm
IP 54 protection against dust and water droplets
IP 55 protection against dust and protection against water jets from any angle
Brand Name SoliTherm
Order Number SP-43250001-O-1
Colour white
Included 3 pcs. / box
Note For ComPact Line KG 4325 / 30 / 40
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