Електронний термостат DCT 010
  • Електронний термостат DCT 010
  • Електронний термостат DCT 010
  • Електронний термостат DCT 010

Фотографії призначені тільки для інформаційних цілей. Подивитися специфікацію продукту

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Виробник: STEGO

Електронний термостат DCT 010

  • High DC switching capacity
  • Adjustable temperature
  • Small hysteresis
  • Optical operating display (LED)
  • Integrated switch module
  • Precise measurement via an external sensor

The electronic thermostat with integrated switch module is used to control DC powered devices with high capacities in control and switch cabinets. Heaters, coolers, filter fans or signal devices can directly be controlled via an internal electronic circuit. The external sensor can be positioned freely anywhere in the control cabinet for precise temperature measurements. Additionally, this thermostat is available in versions that not only measure temperature via the external sensor, but also the relative humidity.

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Додати до списку бажань

Ви повинні увійти в систему

  • High DC switching capacity
  • Adjustable temperature
  • Small hysteresis
  • Optical operating display (LED)
  • Integrated switch module
  • Precise measurement via an external sensor

The electronic thermostat with integrated switch module is used to control DC powered devices with high capacities in control and switch cabinets. Heaters, coolers, filter fans or signal devices can directly be controlled via an internal electronic circuit. The external sensor can be positioned freely anywhere in the control cabinet for precise temperature measurements. Additionally, this thermostat is available in versions that not only measure temperature via the external sensor, but also the relative humidity.

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