3YSZ - Sensor
3YSZ - Sensor

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Виробник: Kerafol

3YSZ - Sensor

3YSZ - Sensor

3mol% yttrium oxide stabilized zirconia

3YSZ is a special partially stabilized zirconia that is used for thin film applications. Among other things, it can also be used as an ion-conducting ceramic membrane for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). This material is characterized by excellent flexibility, extremely high flexural strength and high fracture toughness. Another advantage is that this material can be produced in small thicknesses. The standard thickness of the substrate is 0.15 mm. Other dimensions are possible. Then please send us an inquiry.

We laser cut the material according to your wishes!

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Typical features Unit Value
Color - white
Density g/cm3 6,03
Surface roughness Ra µm < 0,1
Flexural strength MPa > 1.000
Thermal expansion coefficient 10-6K-1 ~ 11
Thermal conductivity W/mK 5,3
Standard dimension mm 101,6 x 101,6
Thickness mm 0,15 / 0,12
Consistency - gęsta
Main ingredients % 95% ZrO2 + 5% Y2O3
Dielectric strength at 20°C kV/mm > 10


  • very fine-grained homogeneous grain structure 1 µm
  • good electrical insulation properties at room temperature
  • exceptionally good mechanical strength
  • can be cut by laser or wavy saw
  • good alignment
  • standard thickness 0.15 mm with high flexibility


  • sensor substrate for thin film applications
  • sensor protection plate

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3YSZ - Sensor

3mol% yttrium oxide stabilized zirconia

3YSZ is a special partially stabilized zirconia that is used for thin film applications. Among other things, it can also be used as an ion-conducting ceramic membrane for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). This material is characterized by excellent flexibility, extremely high flexural strength and high fracture toughness. Another advantage is that this material can be produced in small thicknesses. The standard thickness of the substrate is 0.15 mm. Other dimensions are possible. Then please send us an inquiry.

We laser cut the material according to your wishes!

Please submit your CAD data.

Typical features Unit Value
Color - white
Density g/cm3 6,03
Surface roughness Ra µm < 0,1
Flexural strength MPa > 1.000
Thermal expansion coefficient 10-6K-1 ~ 11
Thermal conductivity W/mK 5,3
Standard dimension mm 101,6 x 101,6
Thickness mm 0,15 / 0,12
Consistency - gęsta
Main ingredients % 95% ZrO2 + 5% Y2O3
Dielectric strength at 20°C kV/mm > 10


  • very fine-grained homogeneous grain structure 1 µm
  • good electrical insulation properties at room temperature
  • exceptionally good mechanical strength
  • can be cut by laser or wavy saw
  • good alignment
  • standard thickness 0.15 mm with high flexibility


  • sensor substrate for thin film applications
  • sensor protection plate
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