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Виробник: DACPOL



Product details: Dacpol’s highly efficient Energy Storage Solutions with popular types of lithium-ion technologies LFP and NMC can meet project requirements of varying scale and is suitable for various environmental conditions, making it an ideal solution for grid ancillary services and C&I applications while ensuring reliability and safety.

Model: IBW193LFP691S

Energy 193.5 kWh
Nominal Capacity 280 Ah
Nominal Voltage 691 V DC
Minimum Cut-off Voltage 583 V DC
Maximum Cut-off Voltage 777 V DC
Discharge Current 140 A
Charge Current 140 A
Transient Discharge Current (15 sec) 400 A
Transient Charge Current (15 sec) 400 A
Protection Class IP 42 Nd
Charging Temperature:
0°C to +50°C
+10°C to +40°C
Discharging Temperature:
-20°C to +50°C
+10°C to +40°C
Expandability, Scalability YES, slave units can be connected for parallel operation Up to 6x slave to one Master ND
Communication MODBUS/CAN/ETH ND
Power Supply 9-36 V DC
Energy Measurement YES SOC kWh %

energy storage 2.032MWh

Energy 2032 kWh
Nominal Capacity 2520 Ah
Nominal Voltage 806 V DC
Minimum Cut-off Voltage 680 V DC
Maximum Cut-off Voltage 907 V DC
Discharge Current 1260 A
Charge Current 1260 A
Transient Discharge Current (15 sec) 3150 A
Transient Charge Current (15 sec) 3150 A
Protection Class IP 42 Nd
Charging Temperature:
0°C to +50°C
+10°C to +40°C
Discharging Temperature:
-20°C to +50°C
+10°C to +40°C
Converter ND ND
Communication MODBUS/CAN/ETH ND
Power 24-36 V DC
Energy measurement YES SOC kWh %

energy storage 1.128MWh

Energy 1128 kWh
Nominal Capacity 1400 Ah
Nominal Voltage 806 V DC
Minimum Cut-off Voltage 680 V DC
Maximum Cut-off Voltage 907 V DC
Discharge Current 700 A
Charge Current 700 A
Transient Discharge Current (15 sec) 1750 A
Transient Charge Current (15 sec) 1750 A
Protection Class IP 42 Nd
Charging Temperature:
0°C to +50°C
+10°C to +40°C
Discharging Temperature:
-20°C to +50°C
+10°C to +40°C
Converter ND ND
Communication MODBUS/CAN/ETH ND
Power 24-36 V DC
Energy measurement YES SOC kWh %

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Product details: Dacpol’s highly efficient Energy Storage Solutions with popular types of lithium-ion technologies LFP and NMC can meet project requirements of varying scale and is suitable for various environmental conditions, making it an ideal solution for grid ancillary services and C&I applications while ensuring reliability and safety.

Model: IBW193LFP691S

Energy 193.5 kWh
Nominal Capacity 280 Ah
Nominal Voltage 691 V DC
Minimum Cut-off Voltage 583 V DC
Maximum Cut-off Voltage 777 V DC
Discharge Current 140 A
Charge Current 140 A
Transient Discharge Current (15 sec) 400 A
Transient Charge Current (15 sec) 400 A
Protection Class IP 42 Nd
Charging Temperature:
0°C to +50°C
+10°C to +40°C
Discharging Temperature:
-20°C to +50°C
+10°C to +40°C
Expandability, Scalability YES, slave units can be connected for parallel operation Up to 6x slave to one Master ND
Communication MODBUS/CAN/ETH ND
Power Supply 9-36 V DC
Energy Measurement YES SOC kWh %

energy storage 2.032MWh

Energy 2032 kWh
Nominal Capacity 2520 Ah
Nominal Voltage 806 V DC
Minimum Cut-off Voltage 680 V DC
Maximum Cut-off Voltage 907 V DC
Discharge Current 1260 A
Charge Current 1260 A
Transient Discharge Current (15 sec) 3150 A
Transient Charge Current (15 sec) 3150 A
Protection Class IP 42 Nd
Charging Temperature:
0°C to +50°C
+10°C to +40°C
Discharging Temperature:
-20°C to +50°C
+10°C to +40°C
Converter ND ND
Communication MODBUS/CAN/ETH ND
Power 24-36 V DC
Energy measurement YES SOC kWh %

energy storage 1.128MWh

Energy 1128 kWh
Nominal Capacity 1400 Ah
Nominal Voltage 806 V DC
Minimum Cut-off Voltage 680 V DC
Maximum Cut-off Voltage 907 V DC
Discharge Current 700 A
Charge Current 700 A
Transient Discharge Current (15 sec) 1750 A
Transient Charge Current (15 sec) 1750 A
Protection Class IP 42 Nd
Charging Temperature:
0°C to +50°C
+10°C to +40°C
Discharging Temperature:
-20°C to +50°C
+10°C to +40°C
Converter ND ND
Communication MODBUS/CAN/ETH ND
Power 24-36 V DC
Energy measurement YES SOC kWh %
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