Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Analyzer MTL GIR250
  • Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Analyzer MTL GIR250

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Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Analyzer MTL GIR250

Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Analyzer MTL GIR250

The Crouse-Hinds MTL GIR250 series is designed for monitoring oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in a single device. Oxygen is measured using a special electrochemical cell that operates in the presence of slightly acidic gases, such as carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is measured using an NDIR sensor. The dual display provides a resolution of 0.01% for each gas. The device allows pre-programming of output criteria for each of the gases, and the results can be transmitted to external devices using 4-20 mA analog signals.

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Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Analyzer MTL GIR250

The Crouse-Hinds MTL GIR250 series is designed for monitoring oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in a single device. Oxygen is measured using a special electrochemical cell that operates in the presence of slightly acidic gases, such as carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is measured using an NDIR sensor. The dual display provides a resolution of 0.01% for each gas. The device allows pre-programming of output criteria for each of the gases, and the results can be transmitted to external devices using 4-20 mA analog signals.

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