Лінія для випробування довговічності автомобільних стартерів
  • Лінія для випробування довговічності автомобільних стартерів

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Лінія для випробування довговічності автомобільних стартерів

Line for testing the durability of automotive starters

Internal combustion engines cannot start themselves, so they need an external energy source to do so. Such a role is fulfilled in most cases by an electric motor, also called a starter. This device usually consists of an electric motor, an electromagnetic switch and a cylinder with a bearing and a coupling mechanism.

The starter is a key element in the starting system of internal combustion engines. Therefore, so important is its proper operation and high durability. In our service facility, we are able to carry out all the necessary tests related to the durability of automotive starters.

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Line for testing the durability of automotive starters

Internal combustion engines cannot start themselves, so they need an external energy source to do so. Such a role is fulfilled in most cases by an electric motor, also called a starter. This device usually consists of an electric motor, an electromagnetic switch and a cylinder with a bearing and a coupling mechanism.

The starter is a key element in the starting system of internal combustion engines. Therefore, so important is its proper operation and high durability. In our service facility, we are able to carry out all the necessary tests related to the durability of automotive starters.

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