Використання генераторів EASYHEAT для нагрівання наночастинок
Використання генераторів EASYHEAT для нагрівання наночастинок

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Використання генераторів EASYHEAT для нагрівання наночастинок

Solutions for Nanoparticle and Hyperthermia Research

Magnetic nanoparticles are heated with induction to selectively heat tumor cells.

  • Non-contact Selective Heating
    Induction heating only elevates the temperature of the material or tissue with embedded magnetic nanoparticles.
  • Repeatable Process
    Sophisticated electronic controls and feedback ensure reliable temperature control
  • Portable Systems
    Convenient table-top design for portable systems; suitable for clean medical environments.
  • Interchangeable field coils
    3 specially-designed coils answer all your frequency and target-heating requirement.s.
  • Fiber-optic sensor
    RF-immune temperature transducer provides temperature indication and closed-loop control of your process.
  • Proven Technology
    Ambrell systems are cited for these applications in numerous papers and journals.

Our induction solutions include:

  • EASYHEAT power supply; 1kW to 10kW, frequency 150kHz to 400kHz.
  • 3-coil kit; specially-designed for hyperthermia research: 1”, 2.5” and 4” inside diameters.
  • fiber-optic temperature sensor with optional controller.
  • serial data-link cable to your PC.
  • starter kit’ including plastic and glass vials, insulating paper.

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Solutions for Nanoparticle and Hyperthermia Research

Magnetic nanoparticles are heated with induction to selectively heat tumor cells.

  • Non-contact Selective Heating
    Induction heating only elevates the temperature of the material or tissue with embedded magnetic nanoparticles.
  • Repeatable Process
    Sophisticated electronic controls and feedback ensure reliable temperature control
  • Portable Systems
    Convenient table-top design for portable systems; suitable for clean medical environments.
  • Interchangeable field coils
    3 specially-designed coils answer all your frequency and target-heating requirement.s.
  • Fiber-optic sensor
    RF-immune temperature transducer provides temperature indication and closed-loop control of your process.
  • Proven Technology
    Ambrell systems are cited for these applications in numerous papers and journals.

Our induction solutions include:

  • EASYHEAT power supply; 1kW to 10kW, frequency 150kHz to 400kHz.
  • 3-coil kit; specially-designed for hyperthermia research: 1”, 2.5” and 4” inside diameters.
  • fiber-optic temperature sensor with optional controller.
  • serial data-link cable to your PC.
  • starter kit’ including plastic and glass vials, insulating paper.
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