BC50i промисловий компактний комп'ютер
  • BC50i промисловий компактний комп'ютер

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Виробник: MEN Mikro Elektronik

BC50i промисловий компактний комп'ютер

The BC50I has been designed for industrial appli-cations, e.g. for machine control, surveillance or commercial vehicles or robotics. The two DisplayPort ® interfaces and all other I/O are available at the unit‘s front panel on standard connectors like USB, 9-pin D-Sub (serial I/O optio-nal), RJ45 (Gigabit Ethernet) and DisplayPort ® . The system offers one PCI Express ® Mini Card slot with a SIM card slot. The BC50I comes with its own in-tegrated 24 VDC nom. (16 to 36 V) power supply.

  • AMD Embedded G-Series Dual-Core APU
  • 2 Gigabit Ethernet, 2 USB 2.0, 2 DisplayPorts
  • WLAN, UMTS, GPS, GSM, HSDPA, EDGE, LTE via 1 PCI Express ® Mini Card slot
  • 2 slots for IBIS, GPS, RS232, RS485, RS422
  • -40°C to +70°C operating temperature


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The BC50I has been designed for industrial appli-cations, e.g. for machine control, surveillance or commercial vehicles or robotics. The two DisplayPort ® interfaces and all other I/O are available at the unit‘s front panel on standard connectors like USB, 9-pin D-Sub (serial I/O optio-nal), RJ45 (Gigabit Ethernet) and DisplayPort ® . The system offers one PCI Express ® Mini Card slot with a SIM card slot. The BC50I comes with its own in-tegrated 24 VDC nom. (16 to 36 V) power supply.

  • AMD Embedded G-Series Dual-Core APU
  • 2 Gigabit Ethernet, 2 USB 2.0, 2 DisplayPorts
  • WLAN, UMTS, GPS, GSM, HSDPA, EDGE, LTE via 1 PCI Express ® Mini Card slot
  • 2 slots for IBIS, GPS, RS232, RS485, RS422
  • -40°C to +70°C operating temperature


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