Блоки потужності для випрямлячів і з'єднувачів AC

We’re offering high-quality diode and thyristor modules as power blocks for rectifiers and AC connectors.

Our offer includes: diode modules - MOD..P, thyristor modules - M2T..P and M2T..W, double diode modules MOC..P and MOC..W, double thyristor modules - M2C..P and M2C..W, and diode...

We’re offering high-quality diode and thyristor modules as power blocks for rectifiers and AC connectors.


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picture_as_pdf Діодний модуль - MOD..P DACPOL Діодний модуль - MOD..P ZOBACZ -- На замовлення
picture_as_pdf Модуль тришоу - M2T..P DACPOL Модуль тришоу - M2T..P ZOBACZ -- На замовлення
picture_as_pdf Тирісторний модуль - M2T..W DACPOL Тирісторний модуль - M2T..W ZOBACZ -- На замовлення
picture_as_pdf Difiod модуль. Power..P DACPOL Difiod модуль. Power..P ZOBACZ -- На замовлення
picture_as_pdf Дуплексний модуль - M2C..p DACPOL Дуплексний модуль - M2C..p ZOBACZ -- На замовлення
picture_as_pdf Діод-тиристор модуль-m1c..p DACPOL Діод-тиристор модуль-m1c..p ZOBACZ -- На замовлення
picture_as_pdf Difiodowo модуль - влада DACPOL Difiodowo модуль - влада ZOBACZ -- На замовлення
picture_as_pdf Дуплексний модуль - M2C..W DACPOL Дуплексний модуль - M2C..W ZOBACZ -- На замовлення
Результатів на сторінці:

We’re offering high-quality diode and thyristor modules as power blocks for rectifiers and AC connectors.

Our offer includes: diode modules - MOD..P, thyristor modules - M2T..P and M2T..W, double diode modules MOC..P and MOC..W, double thyristor modules - M2C..P and M2C..W, and diode - thyristor modules - M1C..P.

One element power diode block with both side cooling– RY

  • Natural cooling,
  • Typical applications: rectifiers, power supplies.

Two element power diode block with both side cooling – RY

  • Natural cooling
  • Typical applications: rectifiers, converters, supplies; DC power regulator; power contactors; soft-starts.

Two element power diode block with both side cooling– RY

  • Natural cooling
  • Typical applications: rectifiers, power supplies

Power blocks - applications

Power blocks are used to build machinery and equipment for the industry. Their construction is adapted to work in hard industrial conditions. Power blocks consist of mounted diodes or thyristors on heat sinks suitably selected for their current carrying capacity. Basically, they are designed for the construction of rectifiers and thyristor switches in more complex devices.

Power blocks can also be used for other purposes.

They appear as single, double or triple components with air or water heaters. Power semiconductor devices in screw and pellet housing as well as in the form of electro-insulated modules are used for block construction.