DOL 139 - датчик CO2, вологості та температури
  • DOL 139 - датчик CO2, вологості та температури
  • DOL 139 - датчик CO2, вологості та температури
  • DOL 139 - датчик CO2, вологості та температури
  • DOL 139 - датчик CO2, вологості та температури

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Виробник: Dol-sensors

DOL 139 - датчик CO2, вологості та температури

DOL 139 is a sensor for measuring carbon dioxide/CO2, relative humidity and temperature. The sensor is intended for measurement in live-stock houses and industrial environments.

The sensor is protected by a sturdy casing and behind a carefully selected filter. The sensor is supplied with cable and a cap for protection of the sensor during washing and disinfection. The sensor must be placed in the middle of the house.

Functional graph

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DOL 139 is a sensor for measuring carbon dioxide/CO2, relative humidity and temperature. The sensor is intended for measurement in live-stock houses and industrial environments.

The sensor is protected by a sturdy casing and behind a carefully selected filter. The sensor is supplied with cable and a cap for protection of the sensor during washing and disinfection. The sensor must be placed in the middle of the house.

Functional graph

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