Humidity Sensors HIH
  • Humidity Sensors HIH
  • Humidity Sensors HIH
  • Humidity Sensors HIH
  • Humidity Sensors HIH
  • Humidity Sensors HIH

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Виробник: Honeywell

Humidity Sensors HIH

Performance and reliability. At Honeywell (S[&]C), each sensor is designed to provide enhanced sensitivity, response time, stability and reliability .Although humidity products are typically standardized and platform-based, they deliver superior performance right out of the box.

Sensor construction consists of a planar capacitor with a second polymer layer to protect against dirt, dust, oils, and other hazards. Laser trimmed for stable, low drift performance. Printed circuit board or surface mount terminations provide application flexibility.


Honeywell S[&]C humidity sensors offer:

• Integrated circuitry to provide on-chip signal conditioning (offered on all products except HCH Series)
• [&]Interchangeability of ±3 % accuracy
• Designed for potential applications including heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment (HVAC), refrigeration, office automation, and medical equipment



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Performance and reliability. At Honeywell (S[&]C), each sensor is designed to provide enhanced sensitivity, response time, stability and reliability .Although humidity products are typically standardized and platform-based, they deliver superior performance right out of the box.

Sensor construction consists of a planar capacitor with a second polymer layer to protect against dirt, dust, oils, and other hazards. Laser trimmed for stable, low drift performance. Printed circuit board or surface mount terminations provide application flexibility.


Honeywell S[&]C humidity sensors offer:

• Integrated circuitry to provide on-chip signal conditioning (offered on all products except HCH Series)
• [&]Interchangeability of ±3 % accuracy
• Designed for potential applications including heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment (HVAC), refrigeration, office automation, and medical equipment


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