Фотографії призначені тільки для інформаційних цілей. Подивитися специфікацію продукту

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Виробник: FineTek


The EF/MEF series consists of magnetic level gauges that provide local visual indication, level switch activation, and continuous level transmitter output – all in one device. These are bypass-type level transmitters, typically mounted on the side of a tank. The EF/MEF magnetic level gauges operate based on the principles of buoyancy and magnetism. A float with an internal magnet is housed in a bypass chamber attached to the tank, ensuring that the liquid level in the chamber corresponds to the liquid level in the tank. The float rises and falls with the liquid level, activating visual indicators, level switches, and magnetically activated level transmitters.

The EF chamber has a standard internal diameter of 60 mm, while the mini MEF unit has a diameter of 30 mm. These magnetic level gauges are safer to use than traditional glass gauges they replace.

Main Features:

  • Standard (EF) and mini (MEF) sizes for a wide range of levels up to 5.8 m
  • Safer than glass gauges
  • Maximum operating temperature up to 400°C
  • Visual indication, switches, and choice of level transmitter for standard and high accuracy
  • Marine certificate


  • Petrochemicals
  • Energy
  • Sewage
  • Boiler monitoring

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The EF/MEF series consists of magnetic level gauges that provide local visual indication, level switch activation, and continuous level transmitter output – all in one device. These are bypass-type level transmitters, typically mounted on the side of a tank. The EF/MEF magnetic level gauges operate based on the principles of buoyancy and magnetism. A float with an internal magnet is housed in a bypass chamber attached to the tank, ensuring that the liquid level in the chamber corresponds to the liquid level in the tank. The float rises and falls with the liquid level, activating visual indicators, level switches, and magnetically activated level transmitters.

The EF chamber has a standard internal diameter of 60 mm, while the mini MEF unit has a diameter of 30 mm. These magnetic level gauges are safer to use than traditional glass gauges they replace.

Main Features:

  • Standard (EF) and mini (MEF) sizes for a wide range of levels up to 5.8 m
  • Safer than glass gauges
  • Maximum operating temperature up to 400°C
  • Visual indication, switches, and choice of level transmitter for standard and high accuracy
  • Marine certificate


  • Petrochemicals
  • Energy
  • Sewage
  • Boiler monitoring
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