Оздоблювальні кабелі, ізольовані з силіконовим еластомером CS1
Оздоблювальні кабелі, ізольовані з силіконовим еластомером CS1

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Виробник: Flexelec

Оздоблювальні кабелі, ізольовані з силіконовим еластомером CS1


CS1 heating elements are mainly incorporated in household electrical or refrigeration equipment and special, mass-produced machines requiring protection against freezing or temperature maintenance. To ensure that these heating elements enjoy a long service life, we recommend using a control device.


The main characteristic of this type of heating cable is that there is no extra thickness at the cold junction, identified with a black mark.

  • UL Recognized cables on request.

Heating wire nickel-copper or nickel-chrome
Insultaion Silicon elastometer
Diameter 2.3 ~ 3.5 mm
Max. power 30 W/m
Voltage Any voltage on requestup to 500 V
Permissible surface temperature from - 70°C to + 200°C
Tolerances Resistance ± 10 %
Diameter + 0.2 /- 0.1 mm
Length: ± 1 %
Max. current 2 A

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CS1 heating elements are mainly incorporated in household electrical or refrigeration equipment and special, mass-produced machines requiring protection against freezing or temperature maintenance. To ensure that these heating elements enjoy a long service life, we recommend using a control device.


The main characteristic of this type of heating cable is that there is no extra thickness at the cold junction, identified with a black mark.

  • UL Recognized cables on request.

Heating wire nickel-copper or nickel-chrome
Insultaion Silicon elastometer
Diameter 2.3 ~ 3.5 mm
Max. power 30 W/m
Voltage Any voltage on requestup to 500 V
Permissible surface temperature from - 70°C to + 200°C
Tolerances Resistance ± 10 %
Diameter + 0.2 /- 0.1 mm
Length: ± 1 %
Max. current 2 A

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