Фільтр кондиціонерів та кабінет, встановлений на даху
  • Фільтр кондиціонерів та кабінет, встановлений на даху

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Виробник: SEIFERT mtm SYSTEM

Фільтр кондиціонерів та кабінет, встановлений на даху

Roof mounted units for reliable enclosure cooling

SOLITHERM TOP roof mounted enclosure cooling units work completely without filters and are therefore maintenance free and guarantee a high level of safety for electronic equipment. They are characterised by maximum cooling performance with minimal space requirements.​

They are energy efficient and environmentally friendly and are the suitable alternative for enclosure cooling when there is no space on the sides or on the doors of the cabinet.

KG 4482 Roof mounted 450 W @ 50 Hz
460 W @ 60 Hz
KG 4555 Roof mounted 1.10 kW @ 50 Hz
1.15 kW @ 60 Hz

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Roof mounted units for reliable enclosure cooling

SOLITHERM TOP roof mounted enclosure cooling units work completely without filters and are therefore maintenance free and guarantee a high level of safety for electronic equipment. They are characterised by maximum cooling performance with minimal space requirements.​

They are energy efficient and environmentally friendly and are the suitable alternative for enclosure cooling when there is no space on the sides or on the doors of the cabinet.

KG 4482 Roof mounted 450 W @ 50 Hz
460 W @ 60 Hz
KG 4555 Roof mounted 1.10 kW @ 50 Hz
1.15 kW @ 60 Hz
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