MCBC Series Group Regulator 25-90A 180-530VAC
  • MCBC Series Group Regulator 25-90A 180-530VAC

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Виробник: Crydom

MCBC Series Group Regulator 25-90A 180-530VAC

- Group regulator and semiconductor relay in one casing
- Control signal - voltage, current or from the external potentiometer.
- Build in operation status indicator
- Power range regulation 0 - 100%
- Available 2 impulse periods (10 or 20 cycles)
- Ability to switch on or off independently from the control signal
- Load turn on with semiconductor relay
- Build in snubber circuit
Connection scheme and dimensions for MCBC
Electrical connection

Option A, B, C, D

  Option E - Build in potentiometer


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Ви повинні увійти в систему

- Group regulator and semiconductor relay in one casing
- Control signal - voltage, current or from the external potentiometer.
- Build in operation status indicator
- Power range regulation 0 - 100%
- Available 2 impulse periods (10 or 20 cycles)
- Ability to switch on or off independently from the control signal
- Load turn on with semiconductor relay
- Build in snubber circuit
Connection scheme and dimensions for MCBC
Electrical connection

Option A, B, C, D

  Option E - Build in potentiometer

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