Контролери, системи управління та аксесуари

We provide a wide range of elements connected with controllers, control systems and accessories intended for controllers, which are needed for designing and servicing control systems. We offer devices from leading suppliers, such as Danfoss and Crydom.


We provide a wide range of elements connected with controllers, control systems and accessories...

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-- MCBC Series Group Regulator 25-90A 180-530VAC Crydom MCBC Series Group Regulator 25-90A 180-530VAC ZOBACZ -- На замовлення -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Регулятори потужності та температури Crydom Регулятори потужності та температури ZOBACZ -- На замовлення -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Аксесуари для напівпровідникових реле Crydom Аксесуари для напівпровідникових реле ZOBACZ -- На замовлення -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Регулятори потужності ACI Danfoss Регулятори потужності ACI ZOBACZ -- На замовлення -- -- --
-- Фазовий регулятор серії MCPC 25-90 A, 180-530 VAC Crydom Фазовий регулятор серії MCPC 25-90 A, 180-530 VAC ZOBACZ -- На замовлення -- -- --
-- MCPC4850C Фазовий регулятор 0-10VDC Crydom MCPC4850C Фазовий регулятор 0-10VDC ZOBACZ MCPC4850C На замовлення 0 - 10 V DC 50 A 48 - 530 V AC
-- MCPC2450C Фазовий регулятор 0-10VDC Crydom MCPC2450C Фазовий регулятор 0-10VDC ZOBACZ MCPC2450C 18 0 - 10 V DC 50 A 180 - 280 V AC
picture_as_pdf КС300 3 фазовий щит Crydom КС300 3 фазовий щит ZOBACZ KS300 27 -- -- --
picture_as_pdf КС100 1 фазовий щит Crydom КС100 1 фазовий щит ZOBACZ KS100 На замовлення -- -- --
-- MCPC2450D етапного регулятора 4-20mA Crydom MCPC2450D етапного регулятора 4-20mA ZOBACZ MCPC2450D На замовлення 4 - 20 mA 50 A 180 - 280 V AC
Результатів на сторінці:

We provide a wide range of elements connected with controllers, control systems and accessories intended for controllers, which are needed for designing and servicing control systems. We offer devices from leading suppliers, such as Danfoss and Crydom.

Our offer includes: group power regulators - MCBC 25-90A 180-530VAC SERIES, power and temperature controllers, accessories for semiconductor relays - coves, diodes and clampings, power regulators - ACI series, phase power regulator - MCPC 25-90A 180-530VAC SERIES.

ACI controllers are designed for very accurate temperature control in heating systems or for transformer soft start. Applications of regulators include controlling power of resistance heaters, halogen radiators, lamps, and 1-phase transformers e.g. pressure welding machines, and also for regulation speed of 1-phase ventilator's engines.  

What is a regulator?

Is a part of the installation's circuit. It’s task is to generate a proper control signal, so the controlled circuit acts in a certain way. A regulator leads an object to its required state and improves unwanted characteristics. Improperly chosen regulator can cause instability of the circuit and damage devices.

Crydom/Farnell (also Newark) represents over 2000 suppliers, and is a global leader and distributor of electronics, including semiconductors and power regulators. The biggest assortment category in Farnell contains SSR (solid state relays). Crydom offers, among others, passive, electromechanic and connecting elements (TE Connectivity, Vishay, Molex, Panasonic), single-phase, double-phase and triple-phase semiconductors. Farnell specializes in passive, semiconductor, electromechanical and connector manufacturing. Their assortment includes: sensors, relays and switches of TE Connectivity, Molex and Panasonic; single board computers (Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Black and BBC micro:bit); push buttons; enclosures; contactors; circuit breakers.

Danfoss was established on September 1 in 1933 by Mads Clausen and has been operating on the industrial market for over 85 years. Started in Nordborg, Denmark, the company developed from a single business to one of the biggest energy-efficient and innovation suppliers in the world. For over 50 years Danffos has been a world leader in electric drives rotation speed regulation subject – they own the biggest in the world drives’ register that consist of converters VLT® and VACON®. Danfoss is the original inventor of both the radiator thermostat and the automatic differential pressure controller.