Лічильники середньої енергії
  • Лічильники середньої енергії

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Виробник: FRER

Лічильники середньої енергії

MID certified static active and reactive 4 quadrants bidirectional energy meters suitable for Single-phase or 3-phase 3-4 wires unbalanced load systems.

The large size display permits an easy reading of the energy counting (2 tariff ) and of the istantaneous power values.

Moreover the display shows the configurable partial counters (start/stop/reset) and the correct phase sequence.

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MID certified static active and reactive 4 quadrants bidirectional energy meters suitable for Single-phase or 3-phase 3-4 wires unbalanced load systems.

The large size display permits an easy reading of the energy counting (2 tariff ) and of the istantaneous power values.

Moreover the display shows the configurable partial counters (start/stop/reset) and the correct phase sequence.

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