Магнітний перемикач - оптоп
  • Магнітний перемикач - оптоп

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Виробник: Comitronic

Магнітний перемикач - оптоп

Non-contact and coded electronic switch

Suited for small access area
Decoding by Acotom®2 process
Misalignment : ±3 mm up/down and left/right
Detection distance/hysteresis : 5 /+2 (mm)
LED display of switch condition
Mounting brackets and moulded cable
Polycarbonate housing
Protection class IP67
Temperature -20°C to +60°C
Unlimited life expectancy (unlimited number of operations)

Safety category

OPTOPUS : EN60947-5-3
1 OPTOPUS with Awax : category 4
OPTOPUS in series with Awax : category 3
Dimensions [mm]

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Non-contact and coded electronic switch

Suited for small access area
Decoding by Acotom®2 process
Misalignment : ±3 mm up/down and left/right
Detection distance/hysteresis : 5 /+2 (mm)
LED display of switch condition
Mounting brackets and moulded cable
Polycarbonate housing
Protection class IP67
Temperature -20°C to +60°C
Unlimited life expectancy (unlimited number of operations)

Safety category

OPTOPUS : EN60947-5-3
1 OPTOPUS with Awax : category 4
OPTOPUS in series with Awax : category 3
Dimensions [mm]

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