Оновлення індуктора
  • Оновлення індуктора

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Оновлення індуктора

The modernization of the inductor is the introduction of changes in its design aimed at:

  1. Extending the life of the inductor
  2. Increasing the stability and repeatability of the induction heating process
  3. Increasing the efficiency of the technological process
  4. Increasing the efficiency of the heating system
  5. Reduction of energy consumption for a given operation
  6. Adaptation of the system to new technological requirements (e.g. change in the shape of the hardening zone)


The change in the shape of the inductor head and the use of magnetic field concentrators allowed to increase the precision and reduce heating in non-hardened zones, increase the efficiency of the process by more precisely focusing energy to the hardened area, reducing the heating time while maintaining the same value of power absorbed.

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The modernization of the inductor is the introduction of changes in its design aimed at:

  1. Extending the life of the inductor
  2. Increasing the stability and repeatability of the induction heating process
  3. Increasing the efficiency of the technological process
  4. Increasing the efficiency of the heating system
  5. Reduction of energy consumption for a given operation
  6. Adaptation of the system to new technological requirements (e.g. change in the shape of the hardening zone)


The change in the shape of the inductor head and the use of magnetic field concentrators allowed to increase the precision and reduce heating in non-hardened zones, increase the efficiency of the process by more precisely focusing energy to the hardened area, reducing the heating time while maintaining the same value of power absorbed.

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