Difiodowo модуль - влада
  • Difiodowo модуль - влада

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Виробник: DACPOL

Difiodowo модуль - влада

Two element diode power block with water radiator

• Two element diode power block with water radiator
• Water cooling

Typical applications:
• rectifiers,
• power supplies

• clamp assembled K-1 – Drawing. 1
• clamp assembled K-2 – Drawing. 2
• clamp assembled K-3 – Drawing. 3
• Thermal protection
• RC circuit
• fuse

Power block selection:
• There are different semiconductors used, depending on the load. Used semiconductor size is given in the Table 1.

Operation conditions:
One element power blocks are used in power electronic systems
• Cooling water temperature 50 C do 300 C at ambient air temperature > -100 C
• Atmospheric pressure  860hPa do 1060hPa

Drawing 1
Drawing 2
Drawing 3


Table 1 Power blocks parameters

Module type Mean current  IF(AV) [A] Blocking voltage  U RRM
Semiconductor size
Block Weight 
MOC75W 800…1400 400…2200 8000… 12000 1,4
MOC7W 450…650 400…3000 7000…10000 1,6
MOC8W 630…1000 400…6000 10000…24000 1,6
MOC9W 1000…3000 400…6000 20000…42000 3,2
MOC11W 2000…4000 400…7200 27000…65000 9,8

Power block scheme MOD..W

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Two element diode power block with water radiator

• Two element diode power block with water radiator
• Water cooling

Typical applications:
• rectifiers,
• power supplies

• clamp assembled K-1 – Drawing. 1
• clamp assembled K-2 – Drawing. 2
• clamp assembled K-3 – Drawing. 3
• Thermal protection
• RC circuit
• fuse

Power block selection:
• There are different semiconductors used, depending on the load. Used semiconductor size is given in the Table 1.

Operation conditions:
One element power blocks are used in power electronic systems
• Cooling water temperature 50 C do 300 C at ambient air temperature > -100 C
• Atmospheric pressure  860hPa do 1060hPa

Drawing 1
Drawing 2
Drawing 3


Table 1 Power blocks parameters

Module type Mean current  IF(AV) [A] Blocking voltage  U RRM
Semiconductor size
Block Weight 
MOC75W 800…1400 400…2200 8000… 12000 1,4
MOC7W 450…650 400…3000 7000…10000 1,6
MOC8W 630…1000 400…6000 10000…24000 1,6
MOC9W 1000…3000 400…6000 20000…42000 3,2
MOC11W 2000…4000 400…7200 27000…65000 9,8

Power block scheme MOD..W
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